Page 16 of Hot Cross Buns

“Oh, first Ethan, and now you, Malachi.” Her voice grated with irritation. “All I want is to spend time with you. You’re all so happy to take my money but you subbed him in so you could spend time with thatother girl.”

What the hell was she talking about? I saw Ethan this morning, and he definitely looked like he’d kept pace with her last night.

“I swear all I did was offer him a little something to relax him. He seemed so tired and uptight. The boys work so hard around here you know, you can be a real slave driver, Malachi.” Her hand slid from my bicep, down to my forearm and then down to my hand, which had been held loosely at my side.

I fought not to yank free from her grasp. At the moment it was just unwanted contact with my arm and hand. I’d had worse.

But something she said rang warning bells in my head.

“What happened to Ethan?” That guy was rocking a head splitting migraine when I saw him, and was so groggy he barely had his uniform shirt buttoned. I just assumed he’d been drinking with Lois and had a hangover, but it sounded like something else. “What happened last night?”

She blinked, taken aback, as though she assumed I’d know what she was talking about.

“Well, he was in such a state last night I was sure he’d come running into your office first thing to tattle. I don’t know why he made such a big deal out of it. It’s just a little helper to loosen him up.” She blinked again, her heavy eyeliner giving her eyes an owlish look.

Did…. did she drug Ethan?

This was not something I could walk away from. I couldn’t shake her off and go on my damn lunch break. A guest was alluding to drugging an employee and even though Ethan didn’t say a word about it, there was no way I could walk away and act like I didn’t know.

“Miss Milton, did you assault one of my employees?” I tried to keep my voice low and even to disguise all the rage I was feeling at the five-foot five woman in front of me.

“Tch.” She made a clicking sound with her tongue. “Stop acting like I tried to date rape him. I offered it to him and he said no. I didn’t tie him up or anything. You know, I think it’s funny how Ethan is always so easy going and willing to take my money when it’s free drinks in the cabana or a shoulder rub I’m asking for. But as soon as it’s something off the menu, suddenly I’m beinginappropriate.”

Her face said it all. She didn’t consider any of her actions to be inappropriate at all. She really thought Ethan was being unreasonable for refusing her advances.

My god.

“And anyway, Malachi,” she continued, as if she had every right to. “It was you I wanted to spend time with.” The fingers that were previously caressing my arm slipped around my waist, their bony tips digging into my back pocket to cup my ass cheek, and squeeze.

Oh God, no.This was a delicate situation, but it was just getting worse by the second.

“Malachi, is my money not good here? You used to be so nice to me, but you turned cold as soon as that other woman showed up. You even left me alone to go play with her.”

Play with her? Is that what Lois thought I was doing with Maisy? Playing?

“Honestly, I don’t know what you even see in her. Obviously she’s eating well, and she must have a ton of cash if she caught your eye and kept it. How long is she staying here? You know eventually she’ll leave and I’ll still be here. Do you really want to treat me so poorly?”

My gorge rose in my throat as her other hand slid into my second back pocket, grabbing onto my butt and squeezing in stereo.

Shit. Fuck. What do I do?

Nothing I did was going to be right. I had to take care of this for Ethan, for myself, for any other employee that might have fallen victim to such horrible behavior. But it was delicate. I had to do things right. I couldn’t cause a scene for the resort, especially while my father was away.

I took a deep breath and gently grabbed Miss Milton's arms, extricating her hands from my back pockets. It was tough. She didn’t want to let go, but my strength won out in the end and she reluctantly released my ass.

If I thought I was dealing with the situation well, I was dead wrong. All the air whooshed out of my lungs in one icy gust when I heard that familiar feminine voice from behind me.

“What theactual fuck?”


I jerked away from Widow Milton-- who somehow got her arms around me again-- and spun to find the most beautiful image of pure rage I’d ever seen. If looks could kill, I’d be flayed open wide, because my sassy sweet Maisy had turned into a vision of fury that took my breath away.

My cock responded by turning to stone. Of course. Perfect.

“Get your filthy hands off of him,” she shrieked, stomping forward as if to disentangle Miss Milton herself.

This time, I wasn’t gentle with the widow. I wrenched myself free and met Maisy halfway, thinking I could calm her down.