“I think if you want that book decoded, your best bet would be Zev. Vivienne and he grew up together. He knew her the best out of all of us.” He still didn’t look my way. “We think she was the one who put this curse on us, but we didn’t know why or if her family was luring us into a false sense of security before they struck, because without us, the pack would have fallen.”
My stomach soured at the great lengths my family had gone through to make this happen to them. Why did we have to be such fucking awful beings?
“You know that won't happen. I think it might be better if I just try to decode it myself,” I said, feeling worried that if I try to get him to decode it, he might destroy it.
“I think he loved her, but didn’t know how to tell her,” he said, looking far away in a memory.
“Has he always been this angry?” I asked.
“No, if you can believe it. Zev used to be a little more easy-going, but being the son of an Alpha put a lot of pressure on him with the treaty between the pack and your coven,” he sighed. “Zev and Aeon took most of the responsibilities because I was so young, but they were also trying to give me as much time to be a kid.”
Guilt ate at me that my presence had created a rift between them. I didn’t know what I could do, but maybe I needed to figure out a way for them to at least be cordial with each other.
“Was it normal for the Alpha to have a sub-pack like yours?”
“Usually, no. It was always an Alpha and his Luna. Then you have your Beta, which is your second-in-command. Your Deltas and Gammas were usually your enforcers and your soldiers.” He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Technically, Aeon and I are Alphas, which is why they made us form our sub-pack, as you say. Our children would have been powerful wolves and witches.”
“Your children could have been the most powerful wolves we had ever seen,” I said in awe, as I thought what it would have meant if that had come true?
“Not just wolves, Kit Kat,” he said, sounding exhausted. “Our magic was also strong. Zev could manipulate nature and anything that had to do with it. Aeon could manipulate time and the power of his necromancy was unheard of. If I truly wanted to, I could level a city with my fire.”
“Your children could have been legends,” I said.
“I didn’t want it. I would have been happy finding my mates or mate and to live my life in a simpler fashion.”
“Why did you agree?” I couldn’t imagine anyone making Lucien do anything.
“I didn’t want to disappoint my fathers and…” He looked conflicted. “I had always been in love with Aeon, or at least infatuated with him.”
I didn’t even think about it; I got up from the bed and hugged Lucien. At first, he tensed up, but then relaxed into my embrace, wrapping his arms around me, cocooning me in his warmth. He smelled like me, but with his own underlying scent.
“I’m sorry,” I said, feeling bad about this entire situation.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Kit Kat.” He kissed my forehead before he kissed my lips. His kisses were becoming my favorite, and it was easy to be addicted to them. “I’m starving and whatever Mr. Potter made smelled amazing. I’ll go get us some food.”
I nodded, feeling tingly from our kiss.
He walked out in nothing but a towel and I was disappointed I didn’t get to see his amazing back side again. Everything he had just told me made me even more curious. It felt like I had a piece of the puzzle that finally fit. I knew it wasn’t necessary, but I needed to know if it was just a contract to the other two, but Lucien said Zev had feelings for her.
That had to be the reason he was always so angry. The woman he loved betrayed him and now they were all paying the price for it. I should hate them; I should want nothing to do with them, but I couldn’t help it. It felt like I had Stockholm Syndrome, but they weren’t my captors. In a way, they were my captives. Passed down by my grandmother Vivienne.
I felt disgusted in the pit of my stomach that she would go to great lengths to do this to them. Blood magic was forbidden for a reason, and this was a prime example. I wonder what she had to give up in order to complete this spell and if it was worth it to her?
Two days ago, I would have given anything to stay in Katarina’s room and spend the day in her bed or actually sleep with her. I was still on edge from Zev’s attack, trying to scare her, and Aeon distracted me enough that I left her alone.
It was our never-ending cycle of hate that they couldn’t let go. Hate that was so buried in them, they couldn’t see anything other than that.
Yesterday I was close to her for the whole hour, never letting her out of my sight. But once the hour was almost up, I was certain they wouldn’t do anything to her. Eventually, I realized my guard was down that we kept stealing touches and glances at each other.
Ever since I had smelled her arousal when Zev chased her around, I had been ready to make her scream. I still couldn’t believe we turned her on when we chased her. Our instinct was to hunt and chase, and if she liked that then I could see us having a lot of fun.
Tonight, I woke up under a beautiful full moon by the library. It was happening more and more.. The pull of her magic gave me a sense of peace that I now always craved.