Was she aroused?
I knew immediately when Zev caught her scent too; his growling was animalistic.
“Run little Belladonna, because when I catch you, you won’t be laughing.” His voice took on a guttural sound.
She was running in a pattern. I studied her for a moment before I figured it out. Pushing myself to run faster, I got ahead of her, waiting for her to cross in front of me.
She rounded a tree and almost ran into me, her eyes wide, her heart racing, and she definitely smelled aroused. It was sweet just like she was, but with a hint of tartness. My mouth watered thinking of pushing my face in between her thighs, licking up her pussy until I reached her sensitive nerve.
She dodged me again. I pushed myself a little harder, finally getting close to grab her around the waist. Our motion was too much, and we fell. I turned our bodies quickly, so I fell on my back with her on top of me.
The Belladonna gasped when we hit the ground, her legs on either side of my waist, trying to push herself up before the others got to us, when she surprised me and ground herself on me, I stilled instantly.
I don’t know if it was her scent or the thrill of the chase, but the slight contact felt too good. My grip loosened on her when she rolled her hips again, making both of us take a sharp breath.
She grinned before I knew what she was doing, her fist came at my face so fast before she took off.
Lucien's laugh was close enough. I knew they had watched what had just happened.
“Did she just use her feminine wiles on you and succeed?” He ran past me, but I didn’t see Zev.
“Where is Zev?” I got up running, with Lucien following her scent.
“Why does she smell so fucking delicious?” he growled.
“I don’t know but—”
A scream tore through the night. My wolf instantly wanted to come out, his want and need to protect the Belladonna was shocking. He was usually very indifferent to the women who came, but I felt his need to rush to her aid, to make sure she was ok and to comfort her.
We usually kept to our own corners of my mind, but for the first time since we had been cursed, we were sharing the same consciousness.
“You ok?” Lucien brought my attention to him, seeing his gaze on my arm where hair was sprouting like I was about to shift.
“I’m fine,” I growled, my voice taking on an otherworldly tone.
I ran to where the scream came from, seeing Zev and the Belladonna on the floor. She had her thighs around his neck while she was pulling on his arm. Zev’s face was turning red. He looked to be in pain, but all I could think about was her thighs wrapped around my neck and how close I would be to her core.
“Just tap out,” she snapped, jerking his arm back.
“No!” He was vibrating with what looked like the need to shift.
I didn’t want to see what would happen if we let this go on further. Jerking her back roughly, she let him go, but he lunged for her with his claws out. He swiped at us while we got out of his way, but she was quicker, ducking under my arm, pushing us together to run away from us.
“Oh kitty, you’re going to get it!” Lucien ran after her, as Zev pushed away from me to continue his hunt. He was angry.
“You better hide!” Zev yelled.
We ran after them, this hunt taking longer than normal for us. The closer we got to the house, I knew we could lose her if she went inside, putting an end to our game. Suddenly, Lucien jumped for her, rolling on the ground with her, trying to get the upper hand. She was quick and efficient at getting out of his hold, impressing me until she jumped on a corner of our house, hopping back and forth until she reached a window above us.
She slipped slightly until she righted herself, pulling until she was sitting on the ledge looking down at us.
To say I was impressed was an understatement. She had an agility that I had never seen before, but to not use magic while she was running from us was unheard of.
“I’m disappointed,” she pouted. “I expected more of a chase but thanks for a good workout, assholes.”
She blew us a kiss that had us growling at her. Her laugh was the last thing we heard when the sound of the clock chimed.