Page 12 of Want Me

But when Daphne stood and walked over to stand beside him, I felt something break. She looked good beside him. They were both attractive, and they carried a confidence that came from a lifetime of success.

I was going to be left behind.

Daphne managed to look everywhere but forward as I rose. And why not? There was no reason to look at me.

“Have fun,” I said, proud of how even my voice was. “I’ll see you later, then.”

Daphne only nodded before she turned and left, Donovan at her heels. They left the door open behind them and I watched them leave.

I steadied myself on the back of the chair and stood there for a few seconds, gathering myself. Then I pulled out my phone.

He picked up after a few rings. “Hey.”

“Ben?” This time I couldn’t hold back the shake in my voice. “Can I come over?”

Chapter 7

“Idon’tknowwhatyou see in her, anyway.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of courseyouwouldn’t, she’s your sister.”

Ben was at Oliver’s apartment when I called, but had invited me over anyway. I had half expected Oliver to be mad at my disruption of their night together, but he hadn’t complained. He and I had never been close, though we were friendly enough. Now that he was dating my best friend I kept a closer eye on him, but so far I approved.

Oliver grimaced before taking another sip of his rosé. “I love her and all, but she’s a workaholic without any friends. She’s been high-strung since the day she was born.”

Ben dropped a plate of crackers on the coffee table. I had claimed a spot on the floor leaning against the table while Ben and Oliver shared the couch. I narrowed my eyes at Oliver as I nibbled on a cracker. “She’s dedicated and it’s obvious that she cares about the company. Plus she can be really nice and sweet but then flip it and become a bad-ass businesswoman. And she’s so fucking cute. And smart. And, God, she’s so sexy when she’s feeling good.”

“Pause.” Oliver held up a finger. “I would rather cover my ears with cement than listen to you talk about fucking my sister.”

I stuck out my tongue but didn’t argue. My two sisters were still in high school, and I didn’t want to hear about them having sex either, so I let it drop.

Instead, I took a long drink of wine, finishing off my second glass. I stuck out my empty glass at Ben who obligingly refilled it. The rosé was slowly starting to get to me. My head leaned forward till my cheek landed on the coffee table. They were being nice to me because we all knew it was hopeless. I was being pitied, and I hated it, but there was nothing I could do.

The cool wood was nice against my alcohol-flushed skin. I let my eyes drift closed for a moment. “Just seeing her makes me happy. I want to support her and stand beside her no matter what.” I buried my face in my arms. “But I’m not Donovan. I’m just her secretary.” I choked out a miserable laugh. “I told him that I don’t lose, but there’s no way I could win against him. It’s not even a competition.”

Neither of them said anything at first, then I heard Oliver sigh. “It’s not fair to compare yourself to him.” His voice was soft, more gentle than I had ever heard him. “Daphne’s straight. She was happy for me, and proud when I came out to her and told her that Ben and I were dating, but I’ve never had a feeling that she was gay.”

I knew that. I also knew that she had tried to kiss me and that she would beg me to make her cum. But none of that meant anything if I couldn’t reach her heart.

“I never thought you were gay,” Ben said, quietly.

Tears cropped up in my eyes as he tried to support me. I really loved that man, and with time I thought I would come to love Oliver too. It was silly of me to throw a pity party when I had so many people on my side. There was a hurt inside me that would take a long time to heal, but it would pass. I wasn’t alone.

I pushed myself up and dabbed at my eyes. “Alright,” I announced, “I’m moving on.”

Skepticism replaced their concern, but I was serious. I took another sip of wine and let it tingle on my tongue. “Ben, I will love you forever if you make me a grilled cheese.”

His eyes went wide for a moment, then he shook his head. “You’ll love me forever no matter what; I already know there’s no getting rid of you.” I grinned as he stood up from the couch. “Oliver?”

“The day I say no to a grilled cheese is the day you put me in the ground.”

Ben rolled his eyes but the tension seemed to have faded. “The things I do for you people,” he griped as he headed into the kitchen.

Oliver chuckled and bit into a cracker. “So, you’re really giving up on her?”

I nodded and the movement made my head spin. “It’s time.”

“And what’s your plan? You still have to see her every day.”