Page 10 of Want Me

I tilted my head until my lips were pressed into her neck. “Daphne, please. It’s not enough.” My legs were pressed together, squirming. I wanted to touch myself to relieve the pressure, but I didn’t want to turn her off.

It only took a second for understanding to reach her. I thought there would be some reluctance, but she dropped one hand to my thigh in an instant, pushing me open while her other remained at my breast. I spread my legs for her, my need outweighing everything else.

Her fingers brushed the engorged head of my clit and I groaned at the sensation. I needed it so bad I couldn’t think straight.

“Tell me what to do,” she whispered. “Tell me how to make you feel good.”

I nuzzled into her neck as my hands twisted in the sheets around us. “Touch me the way you touch yourself.” I was almost begging. “Anything you do will feel good.”

Her movements were slow at first, like she was still figuring it out, but it was more than enough. Her fingers rubbed around my clit in a firm circular motion or dipped through my folds to tease at my opening. It was torture, and it was bliss.

I came quickly, violently, crying out as I found my release. She let me slump against her, one hand still squeezing my breast.

Daphne sighed, but it was one of contentedness. She shifted slightly, and I felt her lips press into my hair. I looked up at her, searching her face for some reason behind the kiss. She only smiled. “That much is fine, right? Even though we aren’t lovers.”

They were my own words, but they stung. More than anything I wanted to believe I heard a trace of reluctance on her tongue, a whisper of regret. But my mind was hazy and I couldn’t trust myself.

When I didn’t answer she just drifted back until she was lying against the pillows, holding me to her chest. I was happy just being able to touch her, even though our position wasn’t the most comfortable - and she still had my boob in her hand. So, we just laid there, in a quiet of our own creation.

“This was a good trip,” she said, suddenly.

I breathed out, letting my lungs empty. “Yeah,” I said. “It was.”

Chapter 6

Therewasapeacethat followed big events, and we fell into it after the conference. The first few days were spent debriefing and following up on new business contacts, then Daphne had to give another presentation before the board about the conference. It was exhausting and we hardly had a moment to rest, but things calmed down by the end of the week.

I hadn’t had a chance to catch up with Ben since we got back, but I managed to drag him to the cafeteria for lunch on Thursday. I secured a buffalo wrap (minus the blue cheese) while he grabbed a BLT and we settled down at an empty table to chat.

Naturally, the first thing I did was inform him that Daphne and I had slept together again, which caused him to choke on his first bite.

He coughed into his arm while I bit into my wrap. When he finally regained his composure he stared at me. “I thought you were done with that?”

I chewed slowly to buy myself more time. I hadn’t told him about that time a few days before we left, and I decided to keep that to myself. “This was different.” His face told me he didn’t believe me. “It was!” I insisted. “Listen, on Friday night she got wasted at the party and tried to kiss me.” His eyebrow went up, but I answered before he had a chance to ask. “No, I didn’t let her. I thought she would forget, but then the next night…she was the one who initiated it. She’s never done that before.”

I knew Ben was worried about me. He knew what it was like to hold on to one-sided feelings, though his turned out to be less one-sided than he thought. It hurt. It was hard. But I couldn’t help it.

“How do you know it’s different this time?”

The words stung because they were the same ones plaguing me. “It just is. It feels like something changed between us. I don’t know how to explain it.”

He sighed. “I don’t want to see you get hurt any more than you already are.”

“I know.” He was looking out for me, just like he always did. “I’m not ready to give up on this.” I chewed on my lip. “There’s something else. Donovan knows about my feelings.”


I just shrugged. “I guess I was too obvious. He said something about how he thinks we would get along since we both are after the same person.”

Ben let his head tilt to the side. “Was he flirting with you?”

“He flirts with everyone, so who knows?”

There was a worry I couldn’t shake no matter how hard I tried. I had known Daphne for years now. I knew she didn’t love me, and I wasn’t expecting her to suddenly proclaim her feelings, but there was always that quiet fear at the back of my brain that she didn’t feel anything at all for me. The worst part was, I couldn’t blame her. I was just her secretary and, while I was great at my job, there was a difference between us that couldn’t be denied. She was going to be CEO one day. I was going to be secretary to the CEO one day. It wasn’t the same.

Donovan could keep up with her. His family wasn’t on the same elite level as the Calloways, but they were respected well enough. Donovan had risen through the ranks at The Calloway Group and had quickly made a name for himself. William had taken him on as something like a protege, and it was no secret that he was fond of him. It was obvious that he was being bumped from department to department as a way of training and preparing him for higher leadership roles later on. Whenever there was a big project in development or important contracts in the works, he was there. And worst of all, he deserved it. He excelled at any role they gave him. It was exhausting.

I took another bite of my wrap, the wind let out of my sails. Ben noticed and nudged me with his foot beneath the table. “Hey, you’re still hotter than Donovan.”