Page 26 of Want Me


I had never met Violet Calloway, but her memory was strong. There was a portrait of her hanging in Williams’s office and a large dedication to her in the main lobby. Daphne didn’t speak of her often, and neither did Oliver, but when they did it was impossible not to feel the love.

“It was so silly,” she continued. “This is the wallpaper she put up before I was born. I tried to convince her to let me change it for years, but she wouldn’t budge. She said it felt like I was growing up too fast.” She chuckled. “After she died I couldn’t bring myself to change anything. Now it just reminds me of her.”

I shifted over to nuzzle against her arm. “Then I was wrong. It’s perfect.”

She kissed my forehead. “I wish she could have met you. She would have loved you.”

A heavy glob of emotion stuck in my throat. I felt like I was going to cry, though there was no real reason. I wrapped my hands around her arm and held on like she was the only thing keeping me from being swept away. “I love you.”

She stretched to the side to turn out the light. We were cradled by the darkness, and I felt more at peace than I had in a long time.

“I love you, too,” she whispered, and I knew at that moment that I would never let anything take her from me.

Chapter 15

Daphne’sfacewasthefirst thing I saw when I opened my eyes. She was already awake, looking at me. Her mouth curled up into a smile as she saw me wake.

“Good morning.”


I had never known how lovely such a simple thing could be. She had the covers tucked up under her chin and wiggled around until her hand popped up. She brushed the hair out of my face then patted the top of my head. Fuck, she was so cute.

“Are you hungry?” she asked. “I’m not the best cook, but I can make a mean omelet.”

“That sounds perfect.”

Her smile widened and she hopped out of bed. I sat up to follow her but she appeared beside me, holding out her hand. My heart skipped a goddamn beat as I took it and let her lead me into the hallway.

I laced my fingers into hers as we walked down the stairs. We were nearly to the kitchen when I smelled it. “Did you already start some coffee?”

Daphne paled, and I had my answer. As soon as we stepped into the kitchen we found him sipping from a mug. Daphne tightened her grip. “Dad. I thought you weren’t coming home till later in the week.”

I felt like I was going to throw up. I had met Mr. Calloway hundreds of times, but that was always as Daphne’s secretary. I slid my hand out of hers and pulled at the hem of my shirt, beyond grateful that Daphne had lent me a pair of pajama shorts.

Mr. Calloway took another sip of coffee before setting down his mug and looking at us. “Daphne, I thought that was your suitcase; though I can’t say I was expecting to see you here either.” His eyes flicked to me and up went his eyebrow. “Your secretary, huh?” He shook his head as a smile spread across his face. “That’s my girl.”

Having breakfast with my CEO the morning after fucking his daughter wasn’t my worst morning-after story, but I was sure I would never live it down.

William had poured us each a cup of coffee while Daphne started on the omelets in silence. I was at a complete loss. I drank my coffee on auto-pilot, trying to decide if I should get Ben to fake an emergency.

No one spoke until Daphne sat three plates with omelets down in front of us. They looked delicious, but I was feeling queasy from the atmosphere. William, however, had no such qualms and dug in.

Daphne and I eventually followed suit, sharing a glance across the round kitchen table. It was delicious, but I only managed about half of it.

When William finished he leaned back in his chair, his eyes focused downward as he started to speak. “We always send a company float to Pride, but it’s been a few years since I went. We should all go together next year.”

Daphne burst into tears.

I froze, torn between the urge to comfort her and the idea of being affectionate in front of her dad. William beat me to it.

He stood up and went to stand behind her, putting his hand down on her shoulder. I had the feeling I was looking upon something private, but I was unable to look away. She had never hidden her admiration for her father. His opinion was the one that mattered the most to her, and she had dedicated herself to his company. The idea that he could be disappointed in her or her choices must have been weighing on her more than I knew.

“Why are you crying, sweetheart?”

She leaned into his touch, pressing her head against his arm. “I love her,” she sobbed. “Is that okay?”