Page 14 of Want Me

I turned towards the others and found Ben with a protective arm around Oliver, who clearly found his possessiveness hilarious. “I’m going to explore.”

Ben didn’t look pleased, but he dipped his head. “We’ll be around.”

Maybe there was something in the air, or maybe it was the wine, but my blood was boiling. There was so much happening around me that I didn’t know where to look, but I could feel the excitement gathering within me. I didn’t feel like myself. I felt free.

My feet carried me towards the stage to catch the end of the show. All the actors were gorgeous, and they moved in a carefully coordinated dance around the front of the stage. It was hard to pick who to watch, but I found myself drawn to the woman closest to me.

She was stunning, her dark hair in locks decorated with beads and cuffs. Every movement was slow and sensual, her body fluid and alive. By the time I arrived, she only had her panties left, and her breasts swayed as she moved, the piercing in each of her nipples reflecting the lights.

I was entranced, just like those around me - though, unlike most of them, my hands weren’t down my pants.

They were almost to the end. After another minute she let her panties fall to her ankles and kicked them off into the crowd. They landed close beside me, and someone grabbed them, but I was too focused on her to notice. And for a moment, she was looking at me.

Once the show was done and they left the stage I found myself wandering over to the bar. I wasn’t sure how Logan had spread the word, but the bartender gave me my drink for free. I was sipping on a Cosmo when I felt her arrive.

She was just as beautiful close-up, if not more. I smiled as she leaned against the bar, only a few inches away. She wore a thin lavender slip that came halfway down her thigh and showed off the lines of her nipple piercings. If I hadn’t already had so much to drink I might have been able to keep my gaze off her chest, but I felt my eyes slip.

“Is it good?” she asked, looking down at my drink. I nodded, but before I could speak she cupped the hand that held the glass and brought it to her lips. I felt a shiver race down my spine, her eyes locked on mine as she drank.

I don’t know how it happened, or who moved first, but in an instant, her mouth was on mine. My body lit up with a fire that I had tried to dim for the last four years. Her skin burned against me, and it was glorious.

I moaned as my back pressed against the bar, the pain only adding to the pleasure. Her tongue snaked against mine, hot and hungry, and I could barely stand the desperation between my legs. This was everything I wanted, though I could never have imagined finding a partner like her.

Her knee parted my thighs, rubbing against my core. I could feel my heartbeat as the blood rushed into my pussy, my hips moving out of my control.

My fingers grasped at the thin fabric covering her back as she broke away from my lips and turned to my neck. A soft groan escaped me as she sucked against the delicate skin, over and over, marking her claim.

She smelled so good, and her kisses were divine. It had been so long since I had really kissed anyone. I had spent so long trying not to kiss Daphne that I hadn’t realized how much I missed it. But now I was putty in this woman’s hands, and I didn’t even know her name. My underwear was already wet from my arousal, and there was so much lust building inside me that it would only take the smallest touch to make me cum.

Her teeth scratched against my neck before she pulled away, nipping at my bottom lip. She let her tongue slide along my jawline, nearly turning me to jelly, until she reached my ear. “I have a room upstairs,” she purred, pressing against me. I could feel the points of her piercings rub into my skin. “Join me?”

It was a question as much as it was a command, but she waited for my answer. I didn’t even need to think about it, right? This was what I wanted. This was why we had come.

A night with her to forget about Daphne. A night to free myself. And all I had to do was leap.

Chapter 8

Turnedoutthat25was too old to go drinking on a work night.

I sat at my desk and tried to nurse a hangover through the blindingly bright light of my computer screen. Black coffee could only do so much and I was already on my third cup.

Rich was taking a cruel glee in my misery. He kept calling me with the loudest voice he use without actually yelling. I was going to murder him.

My only saving grace was that Daphne would be busy for most of the day. She had a morning meeting with her dad, then a lunch meeting, then a video call at 1. I wasn’t confident I could face her in my current state. Especially not after what I did last night.

I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned. I had gone off the deep end. Not only had I forced Ben and Oliver to take me to a goddamn sex club, but I just had to go and make out with a burlesque dancer. At least I hadn’t gone further than that.

God, I was so embarrassed. After talking all high and mighty about how I was going to find a girl and forget all about Daphne I managed to blow the perfect chance. I still wasn’t sure what stopped me. There had been no lack of attraction and I was more than willing, but I just hadn’t been able to do it. Her lips had been so soft, and shit she was so hot, but it wasn’t right. She wasn’t what I wanted.

The phone rang, startling me from my thoughts. It took every ounce of professionalism in me to switch on my secretary voice, but I did it.

I started to feel better by lunchtime and managed to eat most of my sandwich. By the time I got back to my desk, my headache had mostly left me, but there was a dull heaviness throughout my body like lead had been poured beneath my skin.

Daphne should have been finishing up her lunch meeting by then, and, knowing her, I had about twenty minutes before she was back in the office. I pushed back my keyboard and let my head drop to my desk, reveling in the joy of shutting my eyes.

“Why don’t you just go home early?” Richard asked, rolling over to me on his chair. “It’s Friday, anyway. Just call it a day.”

I shook my head, though it was hard with half my face pressed into my desk. “I’m good, I just need to close my eyes for a bit. Daphne should be back around the hour, so just throw something at me when she comes in.”