Page 10 of Bleeding Hearts

I mean, I know why. Fucking look at him, just standing there, arms crossed over his chest, looking like a Greek god. I wonder if Lo thinks he’s as gorgeous as I do.

“Lo.” I tap her shoulder. “He’s really hot,” I whisper, subtly pointing to Asher. Although, I think he may have seen or heard me because he smiles wider.

“Don’t even think about it,” I hear Kaden say. I think he may have heard me too. Well, shit, I guess my whispering skills aren’t what I thought they were.

“Relax, she’s your baby sister, dude. You know I wouldn’t go there,” Asher says, and I feel a twinge of disappointment run through me.

“Alright, Dem. Let’s get you standing.” Logan distracts me by pulling me up to my feet.

I make it up okay, but then the world starts spinning again, and suddenly, I feel myself leaning my weight onto Lo.

“I’ve got her,” Asher says. At the same time I feel a large arm wrap around my thighs, and suddenly I’m upside down, balancing on his massive shoulder.

“Whoa, how’d I get up here?” I lift my head up, looking around the best that I can.

I think I hear Lo say something else, but I’m too distracted by the way people around the backyard are looking at me.

Apparently, I’ve become the night's entertainment. Can I blame anyone? Absolutely not. Drunk me is the life of the party. Asher starts walking and I drop my head back down to be met with Asher’s ass in my face.

“You have a nice ass,” I say, reaching my arm down to squeeze it. I can’t help it. It just looks so squeezable, you know?

“Stop fondling me, woman. You’re going to get me murdered.” He swats my hand away from his ass.

Rude. I slap him right back. I feel him pull at the purse hanging on me still, opening it and grabbing something out of there.

“Are you robbing me?” I gasp, slapping his back to stop him. He keeps going as if it doesn’t even faze him.

“Easy, killer. No, I’m not robbing you. I’m getting your keys out so I can find your car.” He clicks the button to make my car beep and then continues to carry me over to it.

I hear him open the door before he lifts me off his shoulder, placing me in the passenger seat of my car and buckling me in. He closes the door and I watch him make his way around to the other side, getting into the driver’s seat.

“Damn, you’re short,” he says as he moves the seat a good foot back from where I had it set.

“I am not. Maybe you’re just freakishly tall.”

“Maybe.” He chuckles. “Let’s get you home, Demi,” he says while putting the car in drive and pulling away.

“Okay.” I yawn, suddenly feeling tired, my buzz starting to fade. I lean my head against the door feeling like I’m beginning to crash.

My eyes feel heavy, and I let them fall closed, resting them just for a second, I tell myself.

Except the second turns into the entire drive back to my apartment and the next thing I know, I’m being lifted bridal style out of my car.

I instinctually wrap my hands around Asher’s neck, holding on to him tight as he carries me.

“What are you doing?” I ask sleepily. “Did I fall asleep?”

“Yeah, you did, and I’m carrying you inside.” He smiles down at me softly.

“I can walk.” I fidget in his arms, urging him to put me down, but he just holds me tighter.

“You don’t have to,” he says.

I didn’t have a conventional childhood. Nobody has ever really taken care of me before. I never needed them to.

But with Asher gently cradling me in his arms as he walks me into the building, up the stairs, and into my apartment, I can’t deny how good it feels. I lean my head against his chest and allow myself to savor the moment.

“Which room?” he asks, still carrying me as he moves farther into my apartment. He’s been here before but never ventured past the common areas.