“You ready?” Demi asks from the passenger side of the car, reaching across the console to squeeze my hand in hers.
“Yeah, let’s get this over with.” I nod, shutting the car off and opening my door to get out. I round the car quickly, opening her door for her before she can and offering her my hand as she gets out of the car.
I close the door behind her as she intertwines her fingers with mine.
After showing Demi just how fun shower sex could be this morning, because yeah, apparently that was a first for her too, we finished getting ready, packed up the room, and loaded it in the car.
We stopped at a diner about a mile from the hotel and got some breakfast that was more like lunch before heading here to my parents.
It’s four p.m. now and from what my mom told me over the phone, people were meant to start showing up around five. These dinner parties have been sort of a tradition since my parents got remarried. The first one actually started with their wedding.
They originally went to the courthouse and eloped, but then my mom decided she deserved a second wedding. And where better to get married than her favorite place, our backyard?
They invited their family and closest friends over and had my aunt officiate the entire thing a few months later. They all gathered around the huge dining table set up outside and ate dinner catered by Aldo’s restaurant after.
My mom had such an amazing night that she decided she’d have to re-create it at least once a month. Therefore, the monthly dinner parties were born.
They’re always casual and everyone’s invited, the only rule is that you have to bring a dish with you.
Mom makes whatever new recipe she’s dying to try, and everyone else brings something of their own, some homemade, others store-bought. It becomes this eclectic gathering of all different types of food that serves as dinner.
Mom plays music through the indoor and outdoor speakers, and everyone grabs what they like, eating anywhere, inside or out, they can find a seat. It’s sort of a free-for-all, but she loves it.
I lead Demi up the driveway and to the front door, not bothering to knock, before twisting the handle to open it.
“Mom,” I call out as we walk into the house. “Dad?”
“My baby,” Mom yells as she sprints around the corner wearing a bright-red dress covered by an apron. She throws her arms around me, squeezing me tight enough that if she was bigger, she’d probably fracture a rib.
My mom is a small woman, barely hitting five feet on a good day. Besides our difference in heights though, I’m told I look a lot like her.
My dark-brown hair, golden-brown eyes, the natural tan my skin gets when sitting in the sun, my smile, all from her.
The height I definitely get from my dad, though.
“You look skinnier.” She scrunches up her face as she looks me up and down. “Have you been eating?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course I’ve been eating.” I gently move her hand off me as she tries to pinch the skin on my bicep.
“It’s true. I can confirm he definitely eats a lot,” Demi pipes up next to me, an amused smile on her face.
“You must be Demi.” My mom turns toward her with a warm smile on her face. “Oh honey, you’re absolutely stunning. Asher, why didn’t you tell me how gorgeous she is?” She turns to me, slapping me on my chest before pulling Demi into a hug.
“Thank you.” Demi laughs as she hugs her back. “You’re gorgeous yourself. It’s really so nice to meet you, Emma. You have a lovely home.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. You’re too kind,” my mom says as she pulls away. “I’d offer to give you the grand tour, but I have food to finish cooking before people start arriving, so I’ll have to leave it to Asher.” She turns to me. “Your father is outside cleaning up the leaves. Go say hi to him.”
“Well, I guess I’m your tour guide.” I turn to Demi as my mom scurries back to the kitchen right as a timer rings out from that direction.
“Well then, give me the grand tour.” She smiles up at me, linking her arm through mine.
I take her upstairs first, figuring we’ll work our way back down and outside to my dad. I walk up to my parents’ bedroom first, pointing out the room to Demi but not showing her inside, scared of what I might find if I do.
Oh yeah, that’s another wonderful trait my parents have, oversharing. No kid wants to know about their parents’ sex lives, but mine didn’t seem to get the memo.
Both my parents first gave me the sex talk when I was fourteen. It started out as the basic “don’t have sex, but if you do” spiel until my mom started talking about how I should always prioritize a woman’s pleasure.
She then proceeded to tell me about some ways my dad does that for her. I walked out of the room halfway through, completely traumatized.