Page 58 of Bleeding Hearts

It’s always her.

Now I’ve just got to decide to do something about it.



The blaring of my alarm drags me from what may have been the best sleep of my life, and I reach to turn it off, but I can’t seem to move.

My eyes flutter open. The TV still playing from last night lights up the room just enough for me to be able to see.

My head lies on something much harder than a pillow and I look down to find myself lying across Asher’s chest. My arm swung over his stomach, and my leg swung over his hips.

His arm is wrapped around me, holding me close as I cuddle into him, and his eyes are closed, his mouth slightly open and his breathing even, letting me know he’s still fast asleep.


How did I end up here? Tangled up in bed with Asher. Even with how incredibly wrong it is, I can’t deny how good it feels.

I gently lift myself off him, trying to untangle myself from him without waking him. I’m almost there when I go to lift my leg and accidentally brush over something hard.

My eyes shoot to him as his eyes start to flutter open and for a moment, I freeze. Once I realize what’s about to happen though, my body kicks into gear and I quickly move my leg, trying to sit up and get away, but it’s too late. I look down to find him watching me with an amused smile.

“I knew I called you cuddle cakes for a reason,” he rasps out, his voice groggy from sleep.

“You were the one cuddling me, thank you very much.” I push his arm off me, standing from the bed and shutting off the alarm.

He laughs lightly, still half-asleep but turning on his side to watch me.

“You should go back to sleep. It’s early,” I say, walking over to the bathroom to brush my teeth, but really just looking for an excuse to walk away from Asher.

My skin still tingles from where it was pressed against his. In no way, shape, or form am I a morning person, but I feel wide awake right now.

I’ve never particularly liked sleeping next to a man, or anyone for that matter. I’ve never been a cuddler or liked the idea of sharing my space with someone. I also get the occasional nightmare that’s based on bad memories, which isn’t a level of vulnerability that I’m willing to share with most people.

But sleeping next to Asher, well, it was the best sleep I’ve had in weeks, possibly ever. Waking up cocooned into him made me want to cuddle closer rather than push him away, something I’ve never felt with anyone. He makes me feel safe in a way that nobody ever has.

He makes me feel loved and that’s what scares me because what if it’s all in my head?

Asher has become one of the most important people in my life, and I’m not afraid to admit, at least in the confines of my head, that I could fall in love with him if I let myself.

If I’m being honest, a part of me already is in love with him. I’ve just pushed it down so far to avoid losing him that sometimes I forget it’s even there.

But it is there. In the way my heart flutters when he looks at me, the way my skin burns at his touch, the way my body aches for him, how it never has anyone else. I know he’s attracted to me too. I can see it in the way he looks at me, but it’s more than just attraction for me.

I just don’t know if it ever will be for him.

“Don’t worry about me.” He yawns from where he’s still lying in bed. “You get ready. I’ll probably fall back asleep for a little while after you leave before I get up and go check out the hotel gym.”

“We’re on vacation,” I deadpan. “Your idea of a vacation is working out? That’s just sad.”

“Hey, I like to be healthy,” he argues. “Plus, exercising is a really great stress reliever.”

“And what are you stressed about?”

“Right now, whether or not you’re gonna be late for this lecture. How long was that alarm going off before you turned it off?” he asks, picking up his phone to look at the time.

I grab my phone to do the same.