Page 35 of Bleeding Hearts

There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.



“Hello,” I shout as I walk into Kaden’s loft. Or, I guess, Kaden and Logan’s loft now. “Best friend of mine? You up here?”

“In here,” she shouts from the bedroom.

I follow her voice, walking inside to find her standing on the bed, attempting to hang a huge canvas above it.

“Need some help?” I tilt my head, watching as she tries to adjust the canvas on the nails to make it even.

“Is it even?” She steps back and I walk to the end of the bed so I can see it centered.

“A little lower on the left,” I say, and she follows the order, stepping back to look at it herself. She nods to herself then looks back at me for the final opinion.

“Perfect.” I agree.

“Thank God you showed up when you did. That thing was annoying as hell to try to get even by myself.” She huffs, sitting down on the bed and pushing her hair out of her face.

“And you couldn’t wait for my brother to help you?” I ask, raising a brow.

Knowing my brother, when he sees the canvas hung up later, he’ll probably lecture her himself that he could’ve done it for her. He treats her like a queen, and she deserves no less.

“He already got the picture for me. I wanted to surprise him by having it hung up later,” she says, smiling.

I look up at the picture. It’s a watercolor painting of a field of forget-me-not flowers, the same ones Lo has tattooed on her. The flowers have a special significance for them.

“Come on, I need a snack,” she says, standing from the bed and walking out of the room.

I follow her into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the barstools at the counter as she rummages through the pantry.

“So, this is a nice surprise. What are you doing here?” she asks as she grabs a bag of popcorn out of the pantry. She opens it up and shoves some in her mouth before handing it to me.

“Well, you texted me that you were off today and hanging out at the loft, so I figured I’d come interrupt your alone time and hang out with you.” I grab my own handful of popcorn.

“I’m happy you did.” She smiles at me, coming to sit down next to me. “I’ve missed you. I know it’s only been like three weeks, but it’s weird to not live with you.”

“I’ve missed you too, Lo. It’s weird coming home to the apartment and seeing your room empty.” I give her a sad smile. “I’m happy for you, though. How’s it been living with Kaden? Ready to call off the engagement and move home because he doesn’t put the toilet seat down?”

“Don’t worry, he actually always puts it down.” She laughs. “It’s been really amazing living with him. There wasn’t any weird adjustment period or anything. It’s just been natural. Our lives just fit together really well.”

“I really am so happy for you, Lo. You’re the happiest I’ve ever seen you when you’re with him. You deserve it.” I reach over, squeezing her hand with mine.

“Thanks, Dem. You deserve this type of happiness too, you know?” She smiles at me.

“Well, if you find Prince Charming, feel free to send him my way.” I give her a weak smile back.


“What?” I give her a look.

“How’s Asher?” She smirks.

“He’s good. Why?” I quirk my brows.

“You know, he kind of reminds me of Prince Charming in a bad-boy type of way.” She pauses. “Maybe not Prince Charming, but like a Flynn Rider for sure, and he’s even better if we’re being honest.”