Page 12 of Bleeding Hearts

“They’re totally going to fall in love and spend every second of their free time together,” I say, but he still doesn’t look like he understands the issue. “You just lost your wingman.”

“And what makes you think I need a wingman?” He puts his hand to his chest, feigning being offended.

“I don’t know.” I pause. “You do kind of look like the type of guy who uses cheesy pickup lines.” I tease him.

“Okay, now that’s actually offensive. I could have you begging me to kiss you in five minutes flat. No help needed.” He puffs up his shoulders and I just raise my brow at him, daring him to try.

A goofy smile comes over his face before it turns into a smirk that I’d never expect him to use on me.

“Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?” he asks, reaching out to brush a fallen strand of hair behind my ear.

He lets those same fingers gently trail down my neck, my collarbone, and lower until they rest at the bottom of the lace bralette. He plays with the lacy material, slipping a single finger under it and pinching it between the finger and his thumb.

It’s not necessarily what he says because the words on their own could be considered cheesy, but it’s his demeanor as he says it.

The way his stare burns into me, setting every inch of skin his eyes touch on fire. The look in his eyes that’s filled with need, like if he doesn’t have me right this second, he might die. The gravelly tone of his voice washes over me and has me hanging on to his every word.

Heat washes over me and I struggle to keep my composure. Unfortunately, my body has other plans, my nipples hardening on their own accord, something he doesn’t fail to notice, his smirk deepening, his eyes full of untamed desire.

I start to wonder how much of this is fake anymore. He can’t possibly be this good of an actor, could he?

Of course, he could. He does this every night with a new girl. The only thing making me different from any of them is that he actually wanted them. He’s just doing this with me to prove a point.

I let my tongue slip out, licking over my lips and I watch as his eyes follow the motion. For a second, I wonder how far he’s willing to take this? Is he actually willing to kiss me just to prove a point?

My common sense kicks in and I realize I’m not taking the chance of finding out.

“Okay, fine, fine.” I choke out a laugh, grabbing a chip from the bag and throwing it at him. “You can be sexy when you want to be.”

“Hell yeah, I can.” He smiles wide, sitting back and laughing as if the entire interaction didn’t affect him in the slightest. “I can admit I do enjoy the company of a wingman, though,” he adds. “So, what do you say, sweet cheeks? Want to be my wingwoman?”

I let out a loud laugh at the cringy-ass nickname. Out of the dangerous territory we were just in, this feels right. I can admit that Asher and I have chemistry, but when it comes to sex, we’re on totally different levels.

I would never be enough for him, and the relationship he could give me would never be enough for me. We can be friends. I can be his wingwoman, help him pick up other girls that aren’t me. It just makes more sense this way.

“If you agree to never call me sweet cheeks again, you’ve got yourself a deal.” I hold out my hand, and he places his in it, shaking it gently.

“You’ve got it, honeybun. I’ll text you later to make plans with my new favorite wingwoman.” He jumps up from the bed, his signature smile adorning his face.

“Honeybun is also a hard no.” I laugh at him.

“Get some rest, sugar pie,” he yells as he walks toward the door.

“Absolutely not.” I throw a pillow at him just before he turns down the hallway. His laughter echoes as he makes his way out of the apartment.

I hear the front door click behind him and I lie back on my bed, a smile on my face. I like Asher and the way he makes me feel.

The way he makes me smile and forget about my problems. His constant optimism and good mood just make things seem like not as big of a deal as they once did.

This, being friends with him, is good for me. It’s exactly what I need in my life.

And you aren’t the slightest bit curious about what it would be like to have more with him?My subconscious pokes the obvious question at me.

I tell that bitch to shut the fuck up.


October 1, 2022, 7:32 p.m.