Asher’s words from earlier play over in my head and I allow myself to recognize my own strength. Maybe it was his encouragement that got me there, but I stood up to my father today. And it felt really fucking good.
With that on my mind, I let my eyes flutter closed, cuddling into Asher as I allow sleep to come.
For the first time since I was six years old, the nightmares never come.
A knock on the door sounds through the apartment as I put my shoes on, getting ready to leave to meet Demi’s mother. Demi looks over at me, confused from where she sits on the kitchen counter, but I simply smile.
“Did you invite your parents over this morning?” she asks, sipping her coffee. “I told you to let them have the morning to themselves. I’ll be fine here alone, Ash.”
“No, don’t worry. I told them to sleep in like you said. But I still thought it might be nice for you to have some company.” I shrug, going to open the door.
“I heard you kicked the shit out of that asshole father of yours.” The voice says from the other side as soon as I open it. “It’s about damn time.”
“Lydia.” Demi smiles, jumping from the barstool and running over to embrace the older woman in a hug.
“Get over here, sweet girl.” She pulls Demi into her arms.
Demi told me about Lydia one day early on in our friendship when I asked her about her cooking.
She told me about how after spending nearly every day in her bakery, Lydia took her under her wing. She was the one who taught her to cook and bake and inspired her love for it. She became the maternal figure she lacked growing up.
She told me about how she doesn’t get to see her as much as she likes anymore because it makes her nervous being so close to where her parents live, but she still talks to her on the phone weekly.
I didn’t want to leave her here alone while I met with her mother this morning, but I didn’t want to force my parents onto her either.
So, this morning before she woke up, I snuck out of the room and called Lydia. I already had her number from when I stole it from Demi’s phone months ago to ask her to vouch for Demi on the convention application.
She answered on the second ring and told me she’d be here before I even finished telling her all of what happened.
“Asher, I’m presuming.” Lydia smiles at me as Demi pulls away, pulling her farther into the apartment and I close the door behind her.
“It’s nice to finally meet you. Demi’s told me a lot about you.” I reach out to shake her hand, but she ignores it, pulling me into a hug.
“Thank you for looking out for my girl,” she says, hugging me tight.
“Always.” I nod, hugging her back.
“Alright.” She pulls away, turning to Demi. “I want to hear everything, but first, muffins. I assume you’ve got ingredients?” she asks.
“Of course.” Demi scoffs, acting as if the answer is obvious. “I’ll help you in a second.” She smiles.
Lydia nods, walking into the kitchen while Demi walks up to me, where I still stand by the door.
“So, you let her cook in your kitchen but not me, huh?” I tease her, pulling her into me.
“I learned everything I know from her.” She shrugs. “If there’s one person I trust in the kitchen, it’s Lydia. Maybe we’ll get you there one day.”
“Mmhmm. Whatever you say.” I laugh, knowing she’s full of shit. I’m never getting anywhere near that kitchen.
“Thank you for calling her.” She looks up at me, a soft smile on her face. “Thank you for knowing me well enough to know I needed her even when I said I’d be fine alone.”
“Always, baby.” I look down at my phone in my hand, peeking at the time. “I have to get going. Are you two good here?”
“Yeah, we’re good.” She nods. “Be safe, okay?” She looks at me, and I can see the anxiousness over me going to meet with her mother in her eyes.