“Only a little crazy, huh?” He laughs.
“Whatever. It wouldn’t make sense for my cat to be a calm cat. He wouldn’t fit my personality,” I explain. “But he’s also the cuddliest little baby ever and you really do need to come meet him as soon as possible.”
“Well, I just finished my last client, so if you want to wait twenty minutes or so, then I can come with you guys.”
“Yes, that’s perfect. You’re going to love him.” I squeal. “I’ll see if Ash can meet up with us when he’s done too.”
“Sounds good. He’s in the break room in the back,” he says, and I nod.
I reach into my purse, grab a cherry lollipop out of it and pop it in my mouth.
“Knock knock,” I call out around the candy as I walk into the break room. It’s empty other than Asher leaning against the counter by the coffee maker on his phone.
“Hey, beautiful.” He smiles over at me as I walk toward him. “How was job searching today?” he asks, and I pull the lollipop out of my mouth before answering.
“Still nothing. There are server positions at a few restaurants that I went to. I just hate to think of going back to that again instead of pursuing cooking. I might not have a choice soon though. I need an income.” I sigh.
“I’m sorry, Dem. I’m off tomorrow, so I can go with you to help you look if you want?” He offers.
“I would love that.” I smile. “Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you what happened at one of the places I went into today.” I slap my hand against my forehead as I remember. “So, I walk into this little French Bistro to see about getting a job, right? And guess who’s standing at the hostess stand right as I walk in?”
“Who?” he asks, raising a brow and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Sabrina,” I say exasperatedly. “Like your old fuck buddy Sabrina.”
“Shit,” he says, his eyes wide. “I’m so sorry, Demi.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Ash. I know you have a past. I wouldn’t be with you if it bothered me. But I don’t think your past likes me very much.”
“What did she do?” He stands up straighter, concern in his eyes.
“Nothing, really. She just told me about how you ghosted her when she told you she wanted more. Oh, and that me and you would never last, and you’ll cheat on me or something.” I shrug.
“I would never cheat on you or anyone for that matter. I was always up front with her about what we were and as soon as she said she wanted more, I was honest. I told her I didn’t. And yeah, I stopped answering her after that, but only after I’d made it clear we should stop.” He brushes his hand through the top of his messy hair.
“I know that, Ash.” I laugh lightly, grabbing his hand in mine with my free hand. “Not only do you not have to explain yourself to me, but you already told me about ending things with her when it happened. She was just trying to get in my head. I know that, and I’m not insecure enough to let her.”
“You’re really fucking perfect, you know that?” He lets go of my hand, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me into him so we’re just inches apart. Him looking down at me, me looking up at him.
“So, what did you end up saying to her?” he asks.
“I told her I was really sorry she was so hurt about the way things ended between the two of you. And then I called her a motherfucking jealous bitch for trying to belittle our relationship and make me feel bad just because she was hurt and walked out of the restaurant,” I say nonchalantly, and he throws his head back in a loud laugh.
“Goddamn, your mouth,” he says in a way that shows how much he loves it.
“What?” I bat my eyelashes up at him with faux innocence. “You like it?” I smirk before popping the lollipop back in my mouth. He stares down at where my lips enclose around the cherry candy.
“I fucking love it.” He reaches down, twirling the stick of the candy still in my mouth. “I’d love it even more if it were my cock between these pretty lips of yours instead of this lollipop.” He pulls the lollipop out of my mouth before leaning down and kissing me.
He swirls his tongue with mine, savoring the cherry taste it left behind.
I push myself farther against him, and I can feel his hard dick press against my stomach. I pull away with a smirk as I get an idea and he watches me with curiosity.
I walk over to the door, peeking my head into the hallway to make sure nobody is coming before closing and locking it behind me.
“What were you saying about having your cock between my lips?” I tease as I walk back over to him.
“You know your brother is basically on the other side of that door?” He raises his brow. “He could come looking for you at any minute.”