Page 108 of Bleeding Hearts

“Demi.” She smiles sadly. “I wasn’t always like this, you know? At one point in my life, I was actually a lot like her. Except, unlike me, my daughter is stronger than I’ve ever been. She had the strength to leave the second she could. I had the opportunity to get us both away from him so many times, but I was always too scared to do it.” She shakes her head in regret.

“You lived through the unimaginable for half your life and you’re still standing. I would say you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for,” I say. “And you’ve come forward now when she needs you. That counts for something.”

“She needed me so many times before now too, but I guess.” She looks away from me, blinking back more tears.

I don’t push the subject anymore. I know enough from my mom that no matter what I say, it won’t make much of a difference. Clara Rhodes has a lot of her own healing to do, and years’ worth of trauma can’t be fixed in a day.

“What are you going to do now?” I ask her. “Demi’s hurt by you, but I’m assuming you know your daughter well enough that she’ll still want to help you.”

“Yes, I do know that, but I can’t let her. That’s why I asked you here alone.” She looks back toward me. “I’m going to stay with my parents for a while. I hadn’t spoken to them in a long time, but they still offered me a place to stay as soon as I called. I need to get out of here and work on healing myself before I can ask my daughter to forgive me and be willing to rebuild our relationship.”

I nod, understanding but knowing Demi will be upset by her choice to leave. She’ll still understand her decision and support her, but I know Demi longs to be able to help her mother out of the situation she’s been stuck in for so long.

Personally, I agree it’s for the best that Clara finds that help herself rather than relying on Demi, though. Regardless of Demi wanting to help her mother, she deserves to think of herself first for a little while and that won’t happen if Clara’s here.

“Please tell Demi that I’m sorry for everything. Tell her that I love her, and I promise I’ll reach out to her when I’m ready,” she adds.

“I will,” I say. “For what it’s worth, Demi will probably forgive you the second you ask her. She’s not one to hold grudges, no matter what you’ve done. She loves you.”

“I know.” She nods. “She’s special, my daughter. Truthfully, she’s everything I hope to be one day.” She reaches over, digging through her purse before pulling out a small black velvet box. “This was my mother’s.” She opens the box revealing an engagement ring.

It’s a thin gold band with an oval light-pink sapphire in the center of it, a smaller diamond on each side of it. It’s beautiful and strangely, it reminds me of Demi in a way that I can’t explain.

“I never got the chance to wear it because Alexander chose my ring, but Demi always loved it. She said it reminded her of a ring a princess would wear.” She smiles down at the ring. “I’m not telling you to propose to her yet, although that’s your prerogative. But my hope is that you’ll stand by her as she accomplishes her dreams and finds happiness in every aspect of her life. Then when you’re both ready, give this to her.” She closes the box, handing it to me, and I take it from her, not for myself, but for Demi.

I place the box in my pocket, not sure what to say to her, but it doesn’t seem like she’s looking for a response. She stands from the table, brushing her dress down and pulling her purse over her shoulder.

“You seem like a good man, Asher. She’s lucky to have you,” she says as she pushes her chair in.

“I’m the lucky one,” I respond, and she laughs lightly.

“I hope to see you again one day, next time under better circumstances.” She smiles down at me.

“I hope so too.” I smile back at her, and she nods, turning to leave.

“Take care of her.” She squeezes my shoulder as she walks past me and out the door of the café.

I sit there for a moment, processing everything she just said. I want to still be angry at her for the chain of events she set off yesterday, but I can’t be.

Clara Rhodes has been living in her own version of hell for years, and regardless of everything that’s happened, all I feel is happiness for her that she found the strength to get out.

I stand from the table, stopping at the counter to get Demi a tub of the chicken salad that I know she loves on my way out.

I pick up the phone, wanting to call Demi but knowing I’d rather tell her in person. Instead, I shove the phone back in my pocket and start the walk back to the apartment.

I spent so many years afraid of settling down, of living my life with someone else, because I was fearful of what the next day might hold. But with the sun shining down on me, the sky clear of all the stormy clouds that normally fill it, it feels like a sign.

The storm is finally over, and there's only sunshine ahead.

I smile to myself because, at one point in my life, I thought I wouldn’t get to have forever. Now I look forward to it.

With her by my side, I’m no longer scared at all.



Lydia and I spend the morning making muffins together. I’d forgotten how much I missed baking by her side. It’s there that I truly fell in love with it, and it feels good to be back.