“Everything. I want to do everything with you.”

“Okay. Sounds like a plan.”

“I mean it,” I said and shook my head.

“As do I. What do you mean by everything?”

“I think we should start by moving in together and seeing how that is. I mean, if I’m going to marry you, I want to see how much of a slob you truly are.”

“I can’t decide if I should ask about the marriage or the slob part first.”

“Do you not want to marry me?”

“I have wanted to marry you since we were sixteen years old,” he stated.

“You should have told me sooner,” I said.

“I’m telling you now. Does that count for something?”

“It counts for everything because I know how you feel and what you want, but you aren’t pushing me. You know me well enough that I need to have a plan but one that I make, not something that is dictated for me.”

“Now I do,” he said, and we both laughed.

“I know you well enough to see that you are a patient man. You waited for me for years, and if you needed to, you would wait even longer. I love you too much to make you do that, and I see now what a great life we can have, and I want us to start it as soon as possible.”

He smiled at me. It was a smile that told me he heard me, he loved me, that he was so excited about the future we could have. I could see that he wanted to tell me all that he was thinking and wanted but it showed me how much he truly knew me and wanted this to work when he just said, “I love you too.”

We were going to be okay. We had gone through a rough patch but we had found a way out of it. It wasn’t the last one we would have, and I was good with that. I wanted to be with Brody, I wanted to argue with him and make up with him. I wanted everything with him and I was so glad I hadn’t lost the chance.

“Does that mean you will consider moving in with me?” I asked.

“I’ll go home and pack right now. Unless you would rather do something else,” he said and moved closer to me. His mouth hovered inches above my mouth, and I looked into his eyes and saw all the love that he felt for me. I could see our future together, and while I didn’t know where we would ultimately end up, I knew it didn’t matter. He was right; home was where he was, and he was all that mattered.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked as I opened my mouth and closed my eyes.

“Breakfast. I want you to have your wits and energy about you when I make love to you all over our place.”

He didn’t wait for me to answer but walked into the kitchen. I watched him go and couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I followed him into the kitchen and our new life together.



“Damn, woman. You know you aren’t supposed to upstage the bride, right?” I asked as I gave Zoey and her floor-length black dress with a slit that went up her leg an approving look.

“Grace is going to be the most beautiful bride that ever existed. I couldn’t upstage her if I tried,” she said as she walked out of the bathroom.

“You are certainly giving it a good shot,” I said and watched her walk past me. My eyes lingered on her ass as she did.

It had been four months since we had moved in together, and things were going wonderfully. We had eased into cohabitating as if we had always done it. We decided to stay in Zoey’s apartment as it was closer to her job, and it made her more comfortable. It made me a little farther from the bar, but it also gave me more space from it, which was a good thing.

I still spent most of my days at the bar or with the guys, but things were shifting for all of us. Eric was working with Grace on opening up another location, and that kept them busy, while Logan had decided to use his money and Amber’s family’s influence to open a non-profit to help children of divorce. It was a cause that was near and dear to his heart, and I knew he would do great things with it.

Zoey’s internship was set to end in six weeks, and we were constantly discussing what we were going to do next. For now, we thought we would head back to Oregon, see our families, and then do some traveling around. We didn’t have anywhere we needed to be, and I thought it would be fun to see some of the United States or even the rest of the world.

I had a feeling we would end up back in New York. Zoey had been offered a permanent position with Project Reform. She hadn’t said she would take it, and when pressured by her boss, she said she wanted to travel first. Her boss was more than willing to keep the position open for her until she came back.

The decision was up to her, but I would be happier staying here. I loved New York. It was where I reconnected with the woman that I loved and started a life with her that included my two best friends. I was going to see one of them marry the only woman for him, and I wanted to be around them as they started their lives together.