“It turned out he could, and he worked with Eric, Logan, and me to get the company off the ground. We figured we would maybe get a military contract or two out of it. We never thought it would be the success that it was.
“It was how S.A.V.E. or Strategic Armor Vehicle Enterprise, was formed. By the time we got out of the military, it was a huge success. We are still the owners, but we have others handling the day-to-day. It was more important for all of us to be here.”
“To try and find Lauren’s killer,” Zoey said.
“Yes. The money was nice; it helped us to open the bar and not worry about it. The bar gave us a purpose, something to do while we waited for information about Lauren. I think that Eric needed an outlet, and the bar gave it to him.”
“It also gave you and Logan a reason to stick around,” Zoey said.
“There was that too,” I said.
“I’ve seen advertisements and articles about the company, but I never saw your picture anywhere.”
“We wanted to keep a low profile. It was a little more difficult when the whole story about Lauren came out. We were worried that people would make the connection, but they didn’t.”
“Do your parents know?” Zoey asked.
“Of course. It was part of the reason they could retire and hand off the farm to Dakota.”
“They must be proud,” Zoey said.
It was a strange statement from her. I would have thought she would think my service in the military or that I was a successful business owner would make them happy. I wasn’t sure what she was getting at, and it worried me.
“They’re happy for me as long as I’m happy.”
“Who else knows about you and your company?” she asked.
“I’m not sure.”
“Does Grace? Amber?” Zoey asked.
“So, it was okay for them to know about it but not me?”
“They found out when it was time for them to know. We don’t tell every woman we date. Eric and Logan only told them because they are in love with them,” I said. I hoped she was getting what I was saying with my statement.
“Are you saying I should feel privileged that you told me? You tell me you love me in one breath and then tell me how you’ve been lying to be all along in the next?”
“I wasn’t lying to you. I wanted you to know.”
“Then you should have told me sooner. I was your friend. I have been your friend for years. Did you think this mattered to me? Do you think I care how much money you have?”
“Then what is the matter? Why do you sound angry with me?” I asked.
“Because you didn’t tell me. You put me in the same category as some random woman you were dating, not a friend who you’ve known for years.”
“Most of my friends don’t know either,” I said.
“As if that makes it better.”
“Are you upset that I told you, or are you upset that I didn’t? I’m not understanding what’s going on here.”
Zoey didn’t answer me but stood up and walked away from the couch. I let her stew as she tried to come up with what she was going to say. I knew she wasn’t going to be happy about hearing about my other business, but I hadn’t counted on this reaction.
“We never really said what this was when we started dating or sleeping together. Whatever this was,” she said.
“We’re dating. You’re my girlfriend. I thought you knew that,” I stated.