“No, you don’t. I can look at, but we won’t need it until this weekend. We got time. Go talk to your woman, get this off your chest, and start planning the rest of your life,” Logan said.

I slid off the stool and looked at my friends, my brothers, the men I had literally gone to war with and would do anything for. For the last ten years, I hadn’t gone a day when I didn’t see one or both of them, and I had never imagined a life when we wouldn’t. Eric was right, our lives had all changed for the better, and I might have been holding back on mine for a number of reasons. It was time that I stopped doing that. It was time that I truly started living my life, and there was only one woman I wanted to do that with.

“Wish me luck,” I said.

“Luck,” Eric said,

“Not gonna cuz you aren’t going to need it,” Logan said.

With a smile and a deep breath, I walked out of the bar to talk to the woman I loved.

Chapter 24


“Hello,” I said to Brody as he came into my apartment.

“How was your day?” he asked.

He seemed off, as if he was unsure of himself, and it wasn’t like him. He wouldn’t look at me, and he was looking around the apartment as if he was seeing it for the first time. I wasn’t sure what was going on with him, but I did know what was going on with me. There was something about seeing him standing in my apartment looking so sexy that made me want him right that moment.

The conversation with my sister ran through my mind that I needed to decide what he was to me and what I wanted out of our relationship. If he was just a guy to have fun with, if I was just enjoying the sex, then that was all I would want. I needed to prove to myself that what we had was simple, easy; it was just sex. It was just two friends connecting on a more mature and natural level while they were both in the same city. It didn’t need to be anything more than that, and that included having sex with him whenever I wanted.

“It was good, but I’m hoping it will get even better,” I said and moved towards him.

“How is that?” he asked.

“By doing this,” I said, wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him. Brody let out a shocked sound, but his arms went around me and held me close. My tongue pressed up against his mouth and demanded entrance. He gave it, and my tongue swirled around his as my hands went to his shirt and tugged on it.

Brody kissed me back, but he put his hands on mine and then leaned back. He gave me a questioning look and asked, “What is going on? Are you okay?”

“Yes. I just want you. Is that okay?” I could feel my bravado leaving, and I was starting to see this was a mistake. I moved away from him and looked down at the floor.

“It is very much okay,” Brody said, lifted my head up, and kissed me quickly. “I will always want you. Did something happen?”

“No. I just wanted to try something new. I had never done this, and I thought I could with you,” I said.

“I like being your first in anything. By all means, continue,” he said and put his hands on his sides.

His action was telling me that he was my willing participant and I could do with him as I wanted. I stepped closer to him, but I was still a little hesitant. What if I did it wrong? What if he didn’t like it? Why did I think that I could do this just to prove a point to myself? I thought I was a changed woman, one who could do whatever she wanted, but maybe I was wrong.

“There’s nothing I like more than your hands on me, well, besides your mouth. Anything and everything you do, I love. Nothing you could do will be wrong as long as it’s what you want. I am yours to use as you want,” he said.


“You really have no idea how sexy you are and how much I want you. I honestly hope you never find out. If you did, you would rule me mind, body, and soul, if you don’t already.”

“Okay,” I said and went back to kissing him.

He was more receptive this time, and he kissed me back with as much passion as I kissed him. He let me take his shirt off and run my fingers up and down his chest before going to his pants and up and down his member. He was already hard, and he hissed in my mouth when I stroked him.

“Anything and everything,” he moaned.

I moved my mouth to his neck and over to his ear, sucking and teasing it as he had done to me what felt like a thousand times. He made tight fists with both his hands, but he didn’t do anything to touch me. It took me a moment to understand that he was giving me the lead in everything. If I wanted him to touch me, I was going to have to tell him. I wanted him to, but not just yet.

Touching him over his pants wasn’t enough, and I undid them and pushed them and his boxer briefs to the floor. His erection sprung out between us, and I took it in both my hands. I loved how it grew in my hand, and he squirmed as I did. I moved from his neck down his stomach and went down on my knees in front of him.

“Zoey,” Brody moaned as he realized what I was doing. “You don’t have to.”