He was an inventive and attentive lover. I had no idea there were so many different positions that one could be with a man. He was certainly not boring, and I enjoyed sex with him more than I thought was possible. He helped me to see how much I had been missing when it came to the bedroom and all the other parts of an apartment.

I was being more adventurous with my exploration of New York. I even went as far as to go and see a movie by myself. My sister had been beyond happy that I had, but when I did, I wished that Brody was there with me. I was trying to find a way to do more on my own but also try to enjoy the time that I had with him because it was all going to end.

“Where did you excel?” I asked Brody.

“Linguistics,” he said and smiled at me.

“Too much information,” Eric said, but he smiled at Brody as he did.

Logan opened his mouth to counter, but my phone rang, and I looked down to see it was my sister calling. I showed my phone to Brody, who nodded his understanding as I walked out of the bar to talk to her.

“Was that laughter that I heard? You aren’t sitting watching Hallmark movies on a Sunday night? Where is my sister, and what have you done with her?” Alice asked.

“I’m at Sally’s with Brody and his friends. We were just finishing up a beer pong tournament.”

“Now, I definitely know this isn’t my sister. Do you even know how to play beer pong?”

“I do now, and let me say, I’m quite good at it.”

“Something tells me that isn’t the only thing you’re getting good at,” Alice said.

“What are you trying to say?” I asked, but I could feel myself blushing.

“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Brody, and I get the feeling it hasn’t all been playing beer pong.”

“Yes, we have, and it’s been nice.”

“Nice, just nice? The picture you sent me of you two in Central Park showed me a guy who is many things, but nice is not the first ten I would use to describe him. I don’t remember Brody being so smoking hot. What really caught my eye, besides how well he fills out a T-shirt, is how into you he is. I think I might need to come out and find out what his intentions are as he seemed to have captured my sister’s heart.”

“He hasn’t captured my heart, and you’re welcome to visit anytime. Maybe you can work it so you can come out before I head back. We could travel the states or something.”

“I would love that, but I would have thought you weren’t thinking so much about leaving anymore.”

“My contract is for a year. Why would that change?” I asked.

“Really? You even have to ask. You aren’t that naive, and I’m not that stupid. You’re into Brody, and you keep trying to tell yourself you’re not. It’s going to backfire on you when you realize how much he means to you.”

“We both know what this is. He might have called me his girlfriend, but I’m sure that was as much because he didn’t know what else to call me.”

“Friend, by your name, or he could have not given you a title. He’s into you, and you’re into him. There’s nothing wrong with finding a man that you want to be with and changing your life for him. I would if I were you.”

“That's the thing, I’m not you. I’m not going to do that. I like New York, but I can’t see myself living here. His life is here; he would never leave. We were already at an impasse before we even started. I’m just being practical about it. I think he is too.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” Alice said.

“He has never talked about a future for us. He hasn’t even asked to put a toothbrush at my place.”

“Is he over enough that he should?” Alice asked.

“Probably,” I admitted.

“It isn’t his place to ask to put it there; it’s your place to tell him he can. He’s following your lead. You’re the one who said this couldn’t get serious. You’re the one who has said it has an expiration date. If those feelings have changed, then you need to tell him.”

“They might have, but it doesn’t matter. His life is here; mine isn’t.”

“Is that because you haven’t allowed yourself to think that it could be or because you really don’t like it there? Don’t answer that,” Alice said quickly. “I want you to think about how you were when you first came to New York, how you hardly went out or did anything. Then, I want you to think about how much more you’ve done since you started hanging out and sleeping with Brody.

“If you didn’t really like the city, you would just ask him to stay in and watch Hallmark or stay in bed all day, or both. You haven’t. You’ve suggested outings, and he has been more than willing to go with you. I think you like the city more than you’re willing to admit, just like you like Brody more than you want to too.