“Yeah. You? Did you find a DJ you liked?” I asked.
“It’s up to Grace. She wants to make sure whoever it is has family-friendly stuff as there might be more kids than adults at this shindig.”
“You mean your wedding?” I asked.
“Yeah. That. I should have taken Logan’s advice and eloped.”
“You still can, but I think Trinity might disown you,” I said, mentioning Grace’s mother.
“She loves me; she would never do that.”
“Probably, but she might disown Grace if she did that to her again, so this might be for the best. It’ll all be worth it when you see Grace walking down the aisle in her dress towards you.”
“Is that what you’re looking forward to with Zoey?”
“Dude, we just started sleeping together, don’t be rushing things.”
“So you are. I wondered. You seemed more preoccupied today. Is that why?”
“Because Zoey and I slept together? No, that was great, amazing, incredible. It was everything I could have wanted.”
“And more than I needed to know. So, what gives?”
“Nothing,” I said, but Eric didn’t move, and I could tell he didn’t believe me.
“Okay,” he said with a slight nod. “If you need to talk,” he said and turned away from me.
“It was just something Zoey said before we were, you know,” I began. Eric turned around and waited for me to continue. “She made it sound like she wasn’t as committed as I wanted her to be.”
“Does she know how committed you are to her?”
“She doesn’t know I’m in love with her, and she shouldn't, not yet. She’s already wary of me and this relationship. That would scare her off.”
“You’ll do right by her. Just make sure you do right by yourself,” Eric said.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Don’t get so wrapped up in making sure she has everything that she needs that you forget to worry about yourself.”
“I’m not,” I said, but Eric gave me a look that told me he didn’t believe me. “I’m fine. She’s the one that matters. I can take care of myself.”
“Never said you couldn’t. By taking care of yourself, getting what you want, you will ultimately get her what she wants too.”
“That is very cryptic, and I’m not sure what to do with that.”
“You’ll figure it out,” he said.
“Thanks,” I said slowly.
“It’s hard loving a strong woman, but it’s worth it.”
“You think Zoey’s a strong woman?”
“Don’t you?” Eric countered.
“I do, but I know her. I didn’t think you would have.”
“It took courage to move to the city, it took gumption to come and talk to us, and it’s going to take all her willpower and sanity to be with you. She would have to be a strong woman to do all of that.”