Page 41 of Bitten By Hope

“I was the first person you confided in. You loved to tell me everything. Only after your sister went missing you became more reluctant to open. Probably, because I wasn’t as available,” Mom said, trying to hide her pain.

“It wasn’t just you. We all had a hard time when Elena disappeared.” I put a hand on Mom’s arm.

“Could you return to those times when you trusted me enough to tell me everything?” Mom asked, peering at me pleadingly.

I gazed at her in surprise but remained silent.

“You’re going through a lot. I don’t need to be a psychic to see it. And I want to be of help in your time of need. Just as you were when we lost Elena. We’ve never told you before, but your perseverance helped us pull through the darker days.”

After hearing those words, I burst into tears. There was nothing to hold the flood from inundating my face. “I’m very sad, Mom.”

“That’s good,” Mom said and then realized it wasn’t what she meant. “I mean, it’s good you’re telling me this. Are you able to tell me why you’re sad?”

I shook my head and covered my face with my hands.

“Are you going to be able to tell me later? When you’re ready?” Mom asked.

I nodded.

“That works for me. Let’s still go to the buffet. Food always makes things better. Even if for a short time.”

As we parked in the Happy Family Buffet parking lot, I realized the old, scraggly building had been overhauled. The once worn-out red doors were switched by new shiny ones. All the décor got an upgrade.

“I never thought they would renovate the place. The warm feeling I usually got for the place was because of the never-changing shabby décor. Even the layout of the restaurant changed.”

“They demolished the entire building and built anew,” Mom said as the hostess welcomed us.

“Really?” I said, thoroughly impressed.

“Sometimes, you have to dismantle everything to be able to start fresh,” Mom said.

“I guess,” I said as I followed her to our table.

At first, I thought I would eat a few bites here and there, but when my mouth tasted the savory beef and rice, I was a goner. Mom had to bring a few more plates of that utter deliciousness emanating nostalgia. She couldn’t get enough of my voracious appetite. “I’ve never seen you eat so enthusiastically.”

“I’m surprised as well. But the food is as good as when I was a kid. I’m savoring a piece of my past with every bite.”

“That makes my heart leap with joy. Here. Have another slice of cake. I know you love the chocolate flavor,” Mom said and began stacking up the empty plates.

“You know you’ll need a stretcher to take me out of here,” I said as I shoved more food in my mouth.

“As long as it makes you feel better, I don’t mind.”

After reaching inflated balloon status, we paid and went to the car. My food coma reached comatose, but after so many days, I felt somewhat revived. We hopped in the car, and soon after, we were on the road.

“Your dad will have a blast when he hears you went ham at the buffet,” Mom said.

“Yeah, add it to the list of funny stories you have stocked up,” I said as I undid the button on my jeans. The feeling of freedom felt like heaven.

“If you want to, I can keep it to myself. It can always stay a secret between us.” Mom glanced at me.

“Do you think you and Dad can keep more secrets?” I asked as I looked out the window.

“You bet.”

“Let’s go home. I needed to tell you something for some time, and I think now I’m finally ready.”

Chapter 20