Page 54 of Bitten By Hope

“You did? Will the baby be born healthy? Will the baby be a redhead?” Teodora asked.

“I don’t want to spoil your surprise, but I’ll just say this won’t be your only baby. You’ll have at least one more attempt at making a little Solomonar.”

“You have gifted me peace of mind, Milady,” Teodora said and patted my hand.

“Did you know she killed Vedoma?” asked Solomonarul. “Now I can throw away all the garlic jars.”

“I’ll name one of my girls after you. I hope she will be just as brave as you are, Milady,” Teodora said as she caressed her belly.

“It would be an honor, Teodora,” I said. Motherhood suited her quite well.

“We have a daughter, too,” said Gabriel.

“You do?” Solomonarul and Teodora exclaimed in unison.

“Her name is Athena, and she is with my parents back in the future,” I said.

Solomonarul came closer to me and whispered, “Excuse my question, Milady, but is Gabriel the father?”

Gabriel grabbed Solomonarul by the robe and almost threw him on the other side of the hut.

“It’s fine, Gabriel. Time travel can make anyone confused. It’s best to explain. We conceived the baby here, but I gave birth there. Gabriel was with me.”

“Teodora. I think we have a problem,” whispered Solomonarul as if everyone couldn’t hear him. “Bring the dagger from under the bed.”

“Calm down. Gabriel is not astrigoi,” I said. “Also, you need to improve your stealth skills. Your whispers are so loud the whole neighborhood already knows what’s going on.”

“If he’s not astrigoi, then how did you meet him in your future?” asked Solomonarul.

“Ah, that’s where you come in,” I said. “You see, I went to a seer, and with her help, I got to witness everything that happened after I left. The good news is Gabriel found a way to be with me.” I turned to him and grasped his hand. “The bad news is the only way for him to do so was to become a vampire. The worst news, Vedoma was the one who knew the spell and sealed Gabriel’s fate. Also, you were there too.” I looked at Solomonarul.

“Me? Next to Vedoma?” Solomonarul’s blood drained from his face.

“Indeed. You did it because you are a good friend.”

“My Simi is the best,” Teodora said as she held his hand.

“But now we have a problem,” I said.

“You need to find someone who knows thevampyrspell,” said Solomonarul somberly.

“How did you know that?” I asked.

“Because Lord Gabriel’s fate is sealed. His days are numbered. If he doesn’t turn before or on the day his fate is sealed, he will die,” Solomonarul said.

“Then you can help us find someone?” I asked.

“Unfortunately, there is no one as strong as Vedoma.”

“But that’s not possible. What about Muma Padurii?” I asked.

“She is nowhere to be found. Vedoma must’ve found out we met and cast a spell on her or something. The woods have suffered greatly from her disappearance.”

“But Vedoma is gone. Whatever spell she cast on Muma Padurii already dispersed,” I said.

“We can visit her old house again,” said Gabriel.

“I’ll join you. I only need to take a few of my belongings,” said Solomonarul. He went into the bedroom, grabbed his weather bag where he kept his jars, then walked to Teodora and looked at her admiringly. “Where’s my kiss, sweet sparrow? You know your lips belong to me.” Teodora giggled and went for a short peck, but Solomonarul had other plans. He grabbed her face and smooched the heck out of her making us extremely uncomfortable. I would’ve told them to get a room, but since we were in their house, it didn’t matter.