Page 36 of Fight for Me

“Do you really think I’m going to find someone with a sparkling past at this point?”

Kade sighed. “You’re probably right. I just want you walking into this with your eyes open. Whatever ‘this’ is.”

“I’m not sure yet what this is,” Blane replied. “I was being proactive.”

“I’ve taught you well.” Kade’s lips twisted into a humorless smile.

“You’vetaughtme? Please. I helped turn your hammer into a scalpel. You were about as subtle as a tidal wave.”

“Tidal waves leave a message.”

Blane couldn’t argue with that, so he didn’t, sipping his drink and thinking. “But the girl herself doesn’t have a history, right? And you didn’t mention the mother’s side?”

“Mother is old family and even older money. Real estate. Only child, just like her daughter. On the upside, this girl is worth more than you. Nicely done.”

Blane laughed out loud at that. Kade was the one person who could always make him laugh with his irreverent humor

“Well, yeah, I’m such a gold digger, you know.”


Blane chuckled again. “How’s the family?”

“All good. Kane’s rocking the dark, brooding teen while also being the star quarterback. So basically, he’s fighting girls off with a stick.”

“And Teddy?”

“Living in his brother’s shadow. You’d think he’d be jealous, but he worships the ground Kane walks on.”

“He’s a good brother. And Lana?” The baby girl who was now a certified teenager.

“Not at all coddled and spoiled by her brothers. I rue the day she tries to bring home a boyfriend.”

“Because of them or you?” Blane teased.

“Probably her mother.”

Blane laughed. He was glad Kathleen was happy, surrounded by her kids and husband. She would’ve hated the life in D.C. and politics.

Which was exactly what Anne had told him.

Should he even keep pursuing her when she so adamantly opposed what he did for a living? But shehadcalled him.

“So, what’s the plan?” Kade asked.

“Plan for what?”

“For this girl.”

“I don’t know yet. We’re going out tomorrow night. She’s not really into the…political scene,” Blane hedged.

Kade leveled a look at him. “Meaning she’s not aiming to be a politician’s wife.”

Blane didn’t answer, just took another drink, and looked away from Kade’s penetrating gaze.

“Look, Blane, I want you to be happy,” Kade said. “I’d love to see you hitched and popping out a Little League team full of crumb crunchers.” He hesitated. “But this life…it’s not for everyone. Yeah, they say love overcomes all, but that’s shit. It really doesn’t. I don’t want to see you pin your future on a woman who’s going to leave when the pressure gets too much.”

“You missed your calling as a shrink,” Blane said, even though his stomach knotted at Kade’s words. He wasn’t wrong. Which sucked.