Page 55 of Fight for Me

Anne returned his smile. “No, thank you. This looks wonderful.”

She had just enough time to demolish a large portion of the food on her plate and two cups of coffee before she got the text from Maria announcing she’d arrived. Anne sent her a quick text back and rose from the table just as Daniel returned.

“That was amazing,” she said, and meant it. The bacon had been crisp. The croissants flaky. The potatoes perfectly seasoned. “My friend is here to pick me up now.”

Daniel looked vaguely alarmed. “You’re leaving?”

Anne nodded. “I have things to do today.”

“But the senator wished for you to await his return.”

Oh, he did, did he? “Please give him my regards.”

Daniel seemed to be approaching panic as he followed her through the kitchen toward the front door.

“I know he is very concerned for your safety. Are you sure you won’t stay? He shouldn’t be much longer. I’ll brew a fresh pot of coffee.”

Anne took pity on him. “Tell him you asked me to stay, but I’m just too stubborn. Thanks again for breakfast and the clothes, Daniel.”

Then she was out the door and headed for the Bentley idling in the driveway. Anne saw that Maria had actually driven herself rather than use her driver, which she was glad of. She had girl things to discuss.

Maria didn’t disappoint, peppering her with questions the moment the car door shut.

“Tell me everything,” she demanded. “And you can thank me later for making you buy that dress. You looked fantastic. I’m so thrilled for you! Landingthecatch. Darling, well done you.”

“I haven’t landed anything or anyone,” Anne groused, fastening her seat belt.

“Wait a mo,” Maria said, slamming on the brakes and heedless of the honking surrounding them. Her gaze was fastened to Anne’s bruised face. “What happened to you?” She sounded appalled.

“Maria! Drive, for goodness’s sake!” Anne looked at the cars swerving around them.

“Not until you tell me what happened.” She looked resolute.

Anne sighed, knowing she had to come clean. She told Maria everything, starting with meeting Kirk at the restaurant and ending with the attack last night.

“He’s swooped in and saved you several times,” she observed, shifting back into driving mode, as if Anne didn’t know. “Some might say that fate is throwing you together.”

“If so, then she has a masochistic sense of humor,” Anne growled, extremely put out.

“And why are we running away from the handsome, rich, and very single man this morning?”

“I’m not running away. I’m going home.”

“Home doesn’t seem safe, Anne darling. Maybe you should consider staying somewhere else for a while.” Her voice was rife with worry. “If the senator—”

“No,” Anne cut her off. “I’m not going to ask him if I can stay at his house, for crying out loud. I’ll go to the police, tell them what happened.”

Maria huffed. “You mean D.C. police, right? Pray tell, how will they help you? They’re there to solve murders, not prevent them. So, until you’ve met an untimely demise, they’re useless.”

Anne sighed. Maria had a point.

Maria hesitated. “I have some news, too.” She glanced uncertainly at Anne.

“And?” She prompted. “What’s the news?” Please let it be something good. She desperately needed some good news after all the bad things lately.

“I’m pregnant.”

Anne’s eyes widened and she was momentarily stunned speechless. Then she found her voice. “Oh my God! Congratulations! That’s fantastic news! Brian must be thrilled.”