Page 54 of Fight for Me

“I’m sorry,” Anne said. “Things have been a little…hectic.” To put it mildly.

“I love the dress from last night,” Maria continued. “If you’re going to be watched, you might as well wear red, I always say.”

Anne groaned. “The paper again?”

“Of course! You and the dashing senator are prime gossip material. Even TMZ got in on the action. Your cover is blown, sweetheart.”

“I’ll have to worry about that later. For now, I need a favor.”

“Anything, darling.”

“I need you to come pick me up from Blane’s house. And don’t ask questions right now. I’ll explain everything later. I’ll text you the address.”

“Okay, okay,” Maria groused. “But it’ll take me at least thirty minutes or more, depending on traffic. Can’t you Uber home?”

Anne didn’t want to be on any form of trackable public transportation right now, but that would take too long to explain.

“Not this time.”

“Fine,” she gave a heartfelt sigh just to know she was being put-upon. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

The sneakers Daniel had gotten her were the only thing just a bit too large, but they were certainly better than going without.

She warily opened the bedroom door, wondering if she’d find Blane on the floor outside, but the hallway was empty. The entire house was still and quiet. Was she alone? It was only as she was creeping down the stairs that she heard noises coming from the kitchen and the delectable aromas of coffee and bacon. Her mouth watered.

Peering into the kitchen, she saw a Hispanic man pulling a sheet pan out of the oven. The bacon on it sizzled and popped. He set it down and then noticed her. He smiled. He was about average height and build with a handsome face and dark eyes. If Anne had to guess his age, she’d say late twenties or early thirties.

“Good morning,” he said, tossing the kitchen towel he was holding over his shoulder. “You must be Anne.”

“And you must be Daniel,” she guessed. He smiled wider.

“Indeed. I see the clothes fit. Blane mentioned you had a break-in to your apartment last night. I’m glad you’re okay.” His gaze shifted to her cheek. “Though that is a nasty bruise. Are you hungry?”


“Excellent. The senator had an errand to run this morning and asked me to convey his regrets that he couldn’t be here.” As he spoke, he loaded a plate with hashbrowns, sausages, bacon, and scrambled eggs so light and fluffy, they looked like a little yellow cloud. “If you would, please follow me to the breakfast nook.”

Anne dutifully followed him through the kitchen to an alcove filled with morning sunshine. A place setting was waiting and he set the plate down. The nook was warm and light, with a round table in front of a banquette with two chairs on the outside. Anne slid into the banquette and around to her place.

“Would you like any juice? Coffee? Tea?”

“Coffee, please.” There was a breadbasket on the table filled with croissants, biscuits, and assorted pastries. She helped herself to a croissant. Blane lived very well. She hadn’t been so pampered since she’d lived with her parents.

Daniel returned with a delicate porcelain cup with the same pattern as her plate and a carafe of coffee. He filled her cup and set the carafe on the table.

“How long have you worked for Senator Kirk?” she asked, adding cream and sugar to the coffee.

He paused, looking upward as he tried to recall. “I think it’s been four years now? Perhaps a bit longer.” He spoke with a trace of Hispanic accent. “I’m not a proper chef, but the senator seems to enjoy my cooking.” He smiled.

“Last night’s dinner was delicious, thank you.”

He smiled wider. “Wonderful. It has been a very long time since Senator Kirk has entertained a lady here at home.”

Anne was intrigued. Always question the help. They see everything. “Really? How long?”

His face clouded. “Ahem, well…” He obviously hadn’t been expecting the follow-up. He smiled again. “I can’t recall. May I get you anything else?”

Interesting. Maybe Blane was the real deal after all.