Page 50 of Fight for Me

The master bath included a massive tub that Blane never used. He wasn’t exactly a relax in the tub with candles and a glass of wine kind of guy. But a steaming bath would help ease Anne’s soreness. The way she was cradling her middle, he guessed they’d punched her there. That would ache like a sonovabitch for someone as thin as she was.

After starting the water and testing it for temperature, he returned to the bedroom. She was sitting up now, legs dangling off the side of the bed and the blanket still wrapped around her.

“Let me help you,” he said, reaching for her.

“I can walk.” She got to her feet, flinching as she stood. Taking a step, she let out a little gasp and her face whitened.

Blane curbed the desire to pick her up and take her into the bathroom. She’d been violated tonight, her sense of confidence and security broken. She needed to feel like she was taking some of that back.

After seeing that she got into the bathroom safely, Blane said, “I’ll get you something to wear.”

He searched through his drawers and pulled out an old t-shirt that was soft from countless washings. He hurried back to the bathroom. Anne stood next to the still-filling tub, blanket trailing the floor like the train of a dress.

“Here you go.” He handed her the t-shirt. “I don’t have any pants that’ll fit you, but I’ll have Daniel grab some in the morning for you.”

She nodded. “Should I report it to the police?”

Blane’s face turned hard and flat. “No. I’ll take care of it.”

Anne wasn’t sure what that meant, but she was too exhausted and in too much pain to argue. Filing a police report right now was beyond her.

“Do you need help getting in?” Blane asked.

She shook her head, wanting to cry again. She’d never felt so violated, so helpless, in her life. Her abdomen burned like fire and her head ached.

“I’ll get you some medicine,” he said, and Anne wanted to smile at his obvious anxiousness to help.

“Thank you.”

He disappeared and she took the opportunity to shed her dress and step into the steaming water. She sank down, groaning in relief as the heat enveloped her. Immediately, she felt her muscles ease.

She’d been too traumatized to wonder at Blane’s sudden appearance in her apartment. All she could think about as she lay on the floor was how much her body hurt, and how afraid she was. Initially, she’d been terrified that they’d returned to hurt her more. Then Blane had spoken, and her relief had caused a fresh outpouring of tears.

Anne usually thought of herself as an independent, capable woman. But what had happened tonight was beyond anything she’d ever experienced. The fear was fading now, being replaced by anger. The audacity of that asshole to bust intoherhome, hurt her, and threaten her. It made her speechless with fury. And he’dtouchedher…

The memory made her shudder.

There was a knock on the door and Blane stepped inside. Keeping his gaze carefully averted, he placed a bottle of medicine on the counter along with a glass of water.

“Take your time,” he said. “Do you need anything else?”

“No, thank you.”

He disappeared through the door again.

Anne appreciated the privacy. She felt more tears coming and let them fall. She’d take the time to cry, then she’d pull herself together. Tomorrow, she needed to find Madeleine. The woman’s situation was obviously very dangerous. Anne wasn’t going to be bullied into not helping her.

As for tonight, she had no idea what she would’ve done if Blane hadn’t come. She didn’t view herself as someone who often needed saving, but that’s just what he’d done. Being alone in her apartment after that would’ve been impossible. That was twice now that he’d saved her. She felt more than gratitude. He was proving himself to be the kind of man she could easily fall for, which wasn’t in her plans.

When the water began to cool, she emptied the tub and dried off, putting on the t-shirt he’d given her. No panties. She’d lost control of her bladder when they’d punched her and peed a little. Instead, she stuffed them in the trash. The t-shirt came down to mid-thigh so as long as she didn’t bend over, modesty would be maintained.

Taking the pins out of her hair, she combed her fingers through it, then swallowed a couple of the pain killers Blane had brought. She’d scrubbed off the warpaint and now exhaustion enveloped her. Exiting the bathroom, she was surprised to see Blane sitting on the edge of the bed.

“You waited,” she said.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

Anne shrugged, touched. “Just a place to sleep. I’ll get someone to fix my door tomorrow.”