Page 28 of Fight for Me

He shrugged, glancing her way again with a practiced smile on his face. “It was for the best.”

She didn’t know what to say to that, but they were exiting the highway anyway. A couple of minutes later, they pulled up to the Bullseye Gun Range.

“Very original,” she said dryly as she stepped out of the car.

“They have a built-in market. No need to get cutesy with it.”

After showing his military ID and signing them in, he bought some ammunition, and they were shown into the range and given ear protection and goggles. There was only one other man there, at the farther end of the range from where they were.

Blane set two handguns down, one from his holster and one he’d brought in from the car. The second one was much smaller than the first.

“Nervous?” Blane asked.

“A little,” Anne confessed. “I guess I’m a little afraid of guns.”

“That’s because you don’t know enough about them. We fear the unknown.” He shed his jacket and offered it to her.

“I’m not cold,” she said.

“It’s not for the cold,” he said, his lips lifting in a slight grin. “It’s so the burning hot casings don’t fly down your cleavage. Not that I’d mind fishing them out.”

“Oh.” Note to self: next time forgo the sexy blouse in favor of a turtleneck, though the image of his hand creeping down her blouse wasn’t unappealing.

She shrugged into the jacket and zipped it up to her neck. The sleeves were way too long, so she rolled them up past her wrists.

Damn it. The jacket smelled like him, enveloping her in his scent. She found herself taking a deeper breath. Good cologne had always been her weakness, and Blane’s was excellent. A dark, sultry flavor with a hint of teakwood and spice, mixed with his own scent, producing a near-addictive aroma. Scent was a strong aphrodisiac for Anne, and this wasn’t helping her resolve.

She shook off her temporary reverie and wayward thoughts. “Okay. Let the learning begin.”

Blane was suddenly all business. “First things first, gun safety.” He launched into describing several rules of gun ownership, handling, and range safety. Then had her repeat them back to him.

“I didn’t know there’d be a quiz,” she groused.

“Safety first.” He winked at her.

Those eyes… She swallowed a sigh of appreciation. No wonder the man had won re-election.

Next came a lesson in the parts of the guns, how to check if they were loaded, and how to load them.

“Obviously, one isn’t meant to have long nails for this,” she said, trying futilely to push the little bullets into what she’d learned was called the magazine.

“They have loaders you can use,” Blane said. “They make it easier than doing it by hand. For now, I’ll do it for you.” Taking the magazine from her, he finished loading it, then did the same for his.

“So why do I get the girly gun?” she asked, slightly put out.

“No gun is girly, but if you’re asking why I brought a special one for you, here’s your answer.” He handed her his bigger Glock. “To load, you have to pull back the slide. Go ahead and do that.”

“Pull what back?”

“This part.” He positioned her fingers on the top of the gun. “Grip it and pull back until it clicks.”

Anne did as he said and could only move the slide a bare half inch. She tried again. No luck. Her fingers kept slipping and her nails didn’t help.

“Okay, so it’s harder than it looks,” she said.

He handed her the smaller gun. “Try this one.”

She positioned her fingers and paused as he pushed her barrel away. “Always point down range, up, or down.”