Page 3 of Shattered Vows

“Smart-ass? Pot, meet kettle.” He held up a hand to prevent her response. As much as he wanted to redirect the conversation, his friend truly was like a dog with a bone. Or whatever the hell that saying was. And besides, she would find out, anyway. For better or worse, gossip spread like wildfire on Hudson Island. “I was over at Joe’s earlier, opening up the house like the shithead asked, when his mystery houseguest arrived.”

Roxie paused mid-chew, her eyes widening. “Ooh, the mysterious Alex,” she said with her mouth full. “What’s he like?”

“Hard to tell.” He didn’t bother to correct her, didn’t bother telling her thathewas, in fact, ashe. Because that revelation still floored him.

“Well, what does he look like?”

“Again, hard to tell.” His earlier tension returned.

He wasn’t a violent person. He honestly believed almost everything could be resolved without force. But the mere thought of Alex’s battered face made him see red. Made him want to howl. Made him want to put his own fist through the face of whoever had assaulted her.

“Really, Quinn? Did you not look at him? Was there a friggin’ paper bag over his head?”

He blew out his breath and tried to relax his jaw. Again. “There may as well have been.”

Roxie slammed her hand down on the table, and his silverware rattled. “Enough with the cryptic replies already! Would it kill you to talk in sentences that consist of more than six words?” She examined him with narrowed eyes. “What exactly did this Alex guy do to get your panties in a wad, Sheriff?”

“Cute, Roxie, real cute.” He shook his head and leaned forward, elbows on the table, and clasped his hands under his chin. What he wouldn’t give to be at the gym with a heavy bag in front of him to pound on. “First, Alex is ashe. Alexandra Garcia. Second, there’s more to the story than Joe told us. I don’t know how she and Joe know each other, but they have to be tight. I mean, we both know Joe. He’d do anything to avoid this place. And he sends her here? With barely any warning? That’s huge for him.”

“Maybe she and Joe are together, and he wanted her to see where he grew up...” Her nose scrunched. “Who am I kidding? When Joe left, he was pretty damn adamant about not coming back. Ever. So, why send his girlfriend here?”

Why, indeed.

“Well, what’s she like?”

“Like I said, I’m not really sure.” He hurried on before she could interject with a sarcastic comment. “Really, Roxie. Her face is a mess of bruises and cuts and stitches. I’m not sure what’s swollen and what’s her actual face.”

Like a deflating balloon, Roxie’s shoulders slumped. “Oh, shit. I feel like an ass.”

“What pisses me off is that Joe didn’t say a damn thing. He said he had a friend named Alex who’d be staying at his place indefinitely and that he’d be in touch. That’s it. So, after I met her, I ran her—”

“Naturally,” she scoffed.

He raised an eyebrow, and she went quiet. “Anyway, she has a fairly common name, so there was a lot to sort through, but I came up with absolutely nothing to match this particular Alexandra Garcia. No driver’s license, social, last known address—nothing.”

And that wasnevera good thing. His stomach turned.

“Roxie, you should’ve seen her. She looks like she’s barely old enough to drink. She’s fucking tiny. And you know what?” He paused, and the sour ball rolling in his gut grew. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen someone worked over like that.”

Roxie’s brow furrowed. “Do you think she’s hiding or on the run?”

“Is there really a difference?”

“You know what I mean. Do you think it’s a domestic abuse thing, or was she part of a bank robbery gone wrong?”

“Considering Joe sent her, I’m leaning toward her being on Team Good Guy. But you never know.” And that not knowing bothered him. “It’s probably an asshole boyfriend, but then that begs the question of whether the asshole is still a threat. Did he, or is he going to, follow her? I think Joe knows, but he’s not talking.” Roxie tried to look away, but Quinn caught her gaze. “I told her you’d be stopping by tonight to drop off some food and stuff. Maybe she’ll talk to you.”

Roxie shook her head, disbelief etched on her face. “Do you honestly think she’s just going to spill her guts at the sight of me? I assume, after what you’ve described, the girl’s going to have some serious trust issues. Besides, I’m not going to befriend her just so I can pump her for answers that are, frankly, none of our business.”

“You do recall that I’m the sheriff, right?” As old-fashioned as it sounded, this washistown, and he was in charge of protecting it and its people. “Everything’s my business.”

“Then ask her yourself. Or call Joe and demand answers from him,” Roxie said. “I’m not going to schmooze Alex into talking just because you say so. Really, Quinn, that’s plain mean. Even for you.”

“Look, Rox. I’m not saying you need to become best friends with her, just...” He searched for his next words. “Like you said, she’s been through a lot. I’m sure she could use a friend. And for whatever reason, people find it easy to open up to you. You’ve got that you-can-completely-trust-me-so-please-tell-me-your-deepest-darkest-secret-and-I’ll-be-there-for-you thing going on. So, if you spend some time together, and she naturally opens up, what’s the harm?”

He flashed his most charming grin and went in for the kill. “Besides, you told Joe you’d go over there and help with the place. Regardless of the hostility between you two, I assume you’ll keep your word since you gave it in the first place. You know you’ll run into Alex while you’re over there, and you know you can’t help but be your usual friendly self.”

She sighed. Loudly. “If I didn’t know you so well, I’d think you actually had a heart and wanted to help this poor girl. But I do know you, Quinn O’Conner. And. You. Are. An. Ass. So, save your cute little grin for someone else. You just want to know if Little Miss Alex is going to bring trouble to your peaceful little town.”