Page 31 of Carried Away

“That’s two. What else do you see?”

“Our hands.” The way he’s holding mine. Gripping it to his chest.

Ryan nods. “That’s three. Two more.”

“Your eyes.” How the lazy eye softens his intense expression, giving me comfort.

“One more,” he urges.

My eyes dip to the one feature I’ve been trying to avoid. “Your mouth.” How it’s soft. And kissable. And nothing he says is harsh or upsetting.

Ryan squeezes my hand again. “Do you feel that?”

I look up into his slate-colored eyes. “Feel what?”

“You’re not panting anymore.”

He’s right. I’m not out of the woods, but I also don’t feel like I’m gonna keel over any second.

“Let’s keep going,” he says. “Tell me four things you feel.”


Even in the shadows, I see him roll his eyes. “Just do it. Four things you can feel.”

“Oh, brother. Okay." This time I close my eyes. “Uh…the ground?”

“M-hm,” he says, humor in his voice. “What else?”

“Your hands. Can I say your hands twice?”

He squeezes my hand again. “I think considering the limited scope you can get away with it.”

I grin. “Can I say left hand and right hand, and count it as two?”

Ryan chuckles under his breath. “That would be cheating. Ya cheater. We play fair around here.”

I groan.

“You’re halfway there,” he whispers, nudging me. “What else do you feel?”

“My sleeping bag and my shirt.”

“Good. Now tell me three things you smell.”

I open my eyes again and gaze at him. He’s somehow gotten closer, making it easier for me to hear his whispers. “How many of these are we going to do?”

“As many as it takes for you to bef in the clear.”

“I think I’m in the clear now.”

“Humor me. Three things you can hear.”

I twist my lips from side to side. Under different circumstances, I might complain. But I’m holding hands with Ryan and I have no desire to stop any time soon. Cocking my head slightly, I say, “Crickets, my heartbeat in my ears, and one of our neighbors snoring.”

Ryan chuckles, and his chest shakes under my hand, drawing my attention to the firm ridges of his muscles. And the fact that he still isn't wearing a shirt. Oy.

“That works,” he says. “Now tell me two things you can smell.”