Page 17 of Carried Away

Then Cimmeron.

He quickly averts his eyes, staring at the sky like aliens are descending, or something.

At this point, I think I’d rather streak down the street.

“I’m waiting,” Livvie says.

“Yeah,” Cimmeron chimes in, snickering. “Inquiring minds want to know.”

Note to self: pull the spark plugs off Cimmeron’s engine.

Bab’s gaze hasn’t left mine this whole time. She looks like she’s about to break out into a sweat. Finally, I take a deep breath, look at Lizzie, then turn back to Babs.

Here goes nothing. I guess if this all goes south, she’ll be gone in a week and I’ll never have to see her again. And I’ll ground Livvie till she’s dead.

If it goes well, I may give Livvie a puppy to thank her for having the courage to do what I can’t.

“Yes,” I say, directly to Babs. “I am.”

Chapter 15



Theonlythingyoucould hear in the backyard are crickets. And a dog barking down the street.

I stare at Ryan, unable to comprehend what he’s just said.

I unclasp my hands. I’d been gripping them so tight, they’re completely numb in my lap. All of a sudden, I’m acutely aware that more than several sets of eyes are zeroed in on me and Ryan, waiting for me to say or do something.

Any semblance of composure I have is completely gone. I always thought if I heard Ryan say he loved me, I’d jump into his arms and demand he never let me go. But now that it’s happened, I’m terrified.

Could he have chosen a worse time to declare his love?

In front of his friends–a bunch of virtual strangers.

In front of his daughter. Also a stranger.

And less than twenty-four hours after I buried my dad.

How am I supposed to respond to this? There is no right answer to this. Not right now. Not when I’m still reeling from the burial.

I glance around at the others. More importantly, I look at Ryan. He’s waiting for a reply. I know he is. But right now at this particular moment, my mind decides it’s overwhelmed. I can’t…I just can’t. Tears fill my eyes, and my lip quivers. I stand, knocking my chair over and I scurry away, up the stairs, leaving a stunned, silent party behind me.

I go inside his house and find the closest couch to sit on, then I drop my head into my hands and sob.

Some guy–one of Ryan’s friends, I’m sure–opens the bathroom door and stutter-stops. “Oh.”

I glance up at the sound, see him, and drop my head back into my hands. Can this day get any worse? Now he’s going to run down and tell Ryan I’m up here bawling like an idiot and Ryan’s never going to want to talk to me. I embarrassed Ryan in front of his friend. I embarrassed myself, and I can’t even leave this place because Ryan is my freaking ride!

I pull out my phone and get onto the internet. Maybe I can get an Uber and escape this place. Certainly without my dignity, but I won’t have to face the others.

The seat cushion dips next to me from the weight of a body.

My stomach drops. And I start to wipe my eyes, hoping to wipe away any smeared makeup or mascara. My dignity is long gone at this point.

I slide a glance to see who is next to me. Please don’t be Ryan. Please don’t be Ryan.