Killian laughs. “Understatement. D’s a beast all his own.” He slings an arm around my shoulders and guides me down the hall. “Any plans for this evening? After your performance of course.”
“None as of yet.”
“Good. Don’t make any.”
My heart is already racing at what he might have in mind. “And just what are we doing?”
He winks down at me. “Don’t you like surprises?”
“Not usually.”
Killian stops walking and turns to spin me against the wall. He presses into me, so close I can smell the sweet apple on his breath. “You’re going to like this one, love. It’s going to be an experience to be remembered.”
Killian refuses to tell me what the surprise is about and insists I spend the rest of the afternoon “relaxing,” which apparently involves me lying on the couch in their apartment, watching movies, while they all take turns bringing me whatever I want or need. When it’s time to get ready for the show, I start to get up, but Bracken is there immediately, blocking my exit.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
“I need to get dressed,” I tell him, “And all of my costumes are at my place.”
“Not anymore,” he says.
“Come with me.” He takes my hand, leading me to his bedroom.
It’s the first time I’ve actually been fully inside it, and I immediately take in all the earth tones that give off a sense of grounding and calm. My eyes land on the giant bed that takes up most of the space, but Bracken pulls me over to the closet and gestures to the sliding door.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Open the door, and find out.”
I slide the door open, and my eyes widen. All of my costumes—no, all of my clothing, period—are now hanging in Bracken’s closet. I turn to him, unsure of what this means.
“You moved my stuff to your closet,” I say warily.
“I moved your stuff to my closet,” he repeats, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Are you guys trying to kidnap me and just hoping I develop Stockholm Syndrome so I don’t care?” I joke.
His eyes glitter, and he drops my hand to cup the back of my neck instead. “Sweetheart, if you want me to tie you up, just say the word.”
I shudder in pleasure as I picture him tying me to that enormous bed so the three of them can have me. “If anyone’s tying anyone up, it’ll be me tying you,” I tease.
His grin is quick and sexy as hell. “I’m down for whatever you want.”
I shake my head. “What is with you guys being so nice today?”
“We’re always nice,” he protests, but I roll my eyes.
“No way. Duncan is never nice. Killian is only nice when he has something up his sleeve. And you...”
“What about me?”
“Fine, you’re nice. When it benefits you. But I still don’t trust you.”