“People think dragons are extinct,” Killian says wryly.
“Fuck you,” D mutters—and then to me, “What does that have to do with a coup?”
“Robert has been using her to gain traction in politics. If he gets her back, he’ll force her to manipulate public opinion and oust the current leadership so he can take control.”
“You really want to tell them what she’s capable of?” he asks. “You’ll be putting her at risk.”
I sigh. “I’ve thought of that. But it’s a risk either way.”
D shakes his head. “Fine. I’ll set it up, but I can’t guarantee they’ll go for it.”
I nod, knowing he doesn’t want to cash in a favor for something like this. But he’ll do it because we’re his family.
“Thanks,” I tell him.
He heads for the door. “Don’t thank me until we get that fucker.” He turns back, his hand on the knob. “I know what it’s like to have a mate threatened, and I wouldn’t wish it on any of you. Let’s finish this.”
He leaves, closing the door behind him.
The minute we’re alone, Killian rounds on me—just like I knew he would.
“What the fuck, Dunc? Tell me you weren’t just pretending in order to get D on our side.”
“I would never pretend about some shit like that,” I say, irritated he would even assume.
“Well, when the fuck were you planning on telling us how you felt?” he demands.
“Keep your fucking voice down,” Bracken warns, glancing toward the closed bedroom door.
Killian scowls. His chest is puffed up, but it’s not anger rolling off him. It’s excitement—and apprehension. He wants this to be real. One glance at Bracken and I know he feels the same.
“Look, I just realized it for sure last night,” I say quietly. “So, I would have told you right about now had we not needed to meet with D as soon as fucking possible.”
Killian huffs, but he doesn’t argue. He knows hunting that asshole comes first.
“She’s really the one?” Bracken asks.
Any other time, I’d give him shit for the cheesy look of raw hope he wears—like a fucking kid on Christmas—but not today. Not for this. We’re all too damn scarred to make fun of something like hope.
Or love.
Even the word itself still feels strange.
“She’s been the one since the moment I fucking laid eyes on her,” Killian says with zero hesitation.
“It’s the same for me,” Bracken agrees.
They both turn to look at me.
“What are you looking at? I already told you how I feel.”
“No, you told D,” Killian says pointedly. “Now it’s time to say it for us.”
“Yeah, we need to hear the words.”
“This is dumb,” I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck.
“It’s not dumb; you’re just being a coward.” Killian crosses his arms and eyes me with that smug look again.