Page 83 of Protect Me

“What’s the fucking difference,” Killian asks.

Liv rolls her eyes and tries to stand. When she falls back, Duncan is there, pulling her to her feet. “Thanks, Dunc.”


Liv turns to me. She’s braided her nearly white hair over her shoulder, and someone pinned small flowers in the long tail. Her face is bare, her eyes bright. “You feel up for some fun?”

“Always,” I reply, curious about what she has in mind.

“Great. Feel free to escort us down, boys, but you are not invited inside.”

“Always a bridesmaid, never a bride,” Killian says with a hand pressed to his heart.

Liv chuckles.

“Bridesmaid?” I question. “Where exactly are we going?”

“Not a wedding,” she assures me. “Don’t worry, I think you’ll like it.” She leans in and wraps an arm around my waist as we make our way out into the hall. It’s empty—per usual—but with the three men walking behind us, the space feels much smaller than it should. “So, I take it things are going better?” she asks in a hushed tone.

I don’t know why she bothers; I’m pretty sure they can still hear her. “Definitely,” I reply.

“You’ll have to fill me in once we don’t have eavesdroppers.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “Sure enough.”

“Way to crash the party,” Killian calls out.

A few minutes later, we’re pushing through the door and into the dining hall. Or, at least, what used to be a dining hall. Now, it’s a party room full of balloons, streamers, and jars full of pacifiers. Performers litter the space, laughing and drinking, some dancing in the far corner with balloons shoved under their shirts.

I stare in a sort of muted shock. “Is this your baby shower?”

“It is.” Liv grins. “Fiona put it together.”

“I—you’re inviting me to your baby shower?” Somehow, it feels oddly personal. Even though I’ve shared quite a bit with the fury, I guess I didn’t think I would have made the list for any personal events. My eyes mist. I don’t think she realizes just how much this gesture means to me.

I’ve never had any real friends. Everyone in my life up until this point has only been there because they desired what I had to offer. But I’ve not had to buy any of these relationships with twisted deals or corrupt promises.

Which makes my imminent departure that much more difficult to deal with.

“Actually, it was the performers’ idea to invite you.”

At her words, Fiona and Kleo appear before me. “Hello,Sway,” Fiona says with a mischievous smile. “Glad you could make it.”

“Hi,” I say, face flushing at her use of my real name. I brace myself for accusations or anger.

“Relax,” she says. “I get why you lied. Zaxby was an asshole from the beginning, but what he tried to do last night... let’s just say he’s lucky Duncan gave him a swift death.”

Kleo murmurs her agreement.

“Yeah, that fucker got what was coming to him,” Brad says, joining us.

“Thanks,” I tell them.

“Besides, Sway is a way cooler name than Helen,” Fiona adds.

“Fi,” Kleo says, rolling her eyes.

“Well, it is,” she insists.