D sits behind his desk, arms crossed, while Liv is seated on the couch, hands resting on her belly. Duncan and Sway are nowhere to be seen.
“Pants,” D orders, gesturing to two pairs beside the door. Liv chuckles and rolls her eyes, but both Killian and I tug them on.
“Did you catch them?” the Ringmaster asks.
“No. Lost their scent in the trees. Fuckers are professional.” Killian is furious, angrier than I’ve ever seen him.
“So are you,” D reminds him. His copper gaze shifts to mine. “Any more news on who is hunting her?”
“All we know is his House,” I tell him. “Earth and Emerald. Beyond that, she won’t talk.
“And the hunters haven’t given you anything else?”
“Nothing that makes up the bigger picture as to just what is so terrifying about this asshole,” Killian grumbles.
“He’s being careful,” D says, “sending all these Crimson Hunters instead of coming himself.”
“The man is a fucking coward sending them instead of coming himself.”
“We keep killing his little soldiers, he’ll come,” Killian says smugly. “It’s only a matter of time.”
D blows out a breath. “Crimson Hunters are one thing. They’re hired mercenaries. They know what they’re signing up for when they come here. Whoever this asshole is that’s really after her might not be in the same category. And I don’t want this shit to start a war, so until we clarify that, we can’t just attack one of their citizens.”
“With all due respect, D,” Killian starts, “the only way we get this asshole to stop coming for her is to put him down. Same way you did Ernesto.”
D’s gaze hardens. “Ernesto had no House,” he replies. “This asshole does, which means we need to do what we can to reach a diplomatic solution. Otherwise, we risk an all-out war. One we won’t win.”
I bite back a retort. D has his own secrets to keep hidden, secrets that would have both him and Liv hunted to the ends of the world should they come out. Same with their unborn child. I won’t risk them, which means I need to at least try to control myself here. “And if it comes down to killing him? If Earth and Emerald won’t hear us out? What then?” I ask.
D shakes his head. “We’ll find a way.”
I can feel the stress radiating off of him. Something his mate can also sense. She stands and crosses over to put her hands on his shoulders. D relaxes beneath her touch.
“The hunter I killed? He have a House ring?” I ask.
“No. And he’s been dealt with. Duncan already took care of him.” His gaze narrows on my face. “But you should have checked before you killed him.”
I ignore the warning. “Where is Duncan now?”
“With Sway,” Liv offers. “She is not aware that there was any danger against her life tonight.” Her words are laced with a silent order. “And she doesn’t need to find out. She’s been through enough.”
“Understood,” Killian and I both reply at the same time.
“In the meantime, the wards protecting the employee quarters have been strengthened; we’ll know if someone tries anything,” D says. “You’re dismissed.”
I offer both him and Liv a nod then turn and follow Killian out into the hall.
“You okay?” he asks.
“No,” I reply, my mind racing back to the words that fucking hunter said to me. “He knew who I was.”
Killian stops and turns to me. “What the hell do you mean?”
“He knew about the fights. About my past. Talked shit to me about it.”
Killian’s gaze darkens. “And how the fuck did he know that?”
“I don’t know,” I reply. “But whoever we’re dealing with cannot be underestimated. There’s no telling what else these assholes have figured out.”