Page 109 of Protect Me

Behind me, D steps into Duncan’s path, but the distraction is only seconds before Duncan is right on my heels. I reach the stairs first, taking them two at a time as I palm the two blades I always have on me.

Now, the feeling coming through the bond is clear. Sway is in danger. I can feel her pulling me toward her like a beacon. Whoever is hurting her is going to fuckingpay.

I’m going to rip them to fucking shreds.

Our bond leads me to the roof, and I hit the door with everything I have—but it doesn’t budge. I try it again and again, but even though the handle turns, the door remains sealed. Panic ices my veins.

“What the hell is going on?” Bracken demands.

He tries the door, too, as does Duncan.

“Sway!” I bellow as I beat the door with my fist.

“Help!” she screams, a tortured cry that has the predator in me surging to the surface.

“We’re coming, love!” I call back as I slam my boot into the door. Duncan and Bracken do, too, and it begins to buckle right down the middle.

“Come through that door, and I’ll cut her fucking heart out!”

The three of us stiffen. And even though we’ve never heard the fucker speak before, we know without a doubt who has her.

Robert. He found her. He got to her.

“How do we get to her?”Bracken asks through the bond.

“I can scale the wall,”I tell them as I back away. “I’ll go up and catch him off guard. Stay here for now, and keep him distracted. As soon as I can unblock the door, you guys get your asses through.”

“Be quick,”Duncan replies.“We’ll come after you if it takes too long.”

“Agreed,”Bracken adds.


I turn and move quietly back down the stairs, keeping my blades firmly in my hands as I reach the landing. I push onto the empty floor then kick in the door to the nearest apartment. The balcony is wide open, so I waste no more time, rushing outside and scanning for the quickest way up to her.

The quietest way, too.

Because if that fucker hears me coming—

Sway screams, and more pain signals through our bond.

I put one blade back in its sheath then place the second between my teeth before pulling myself up onto the railing. With both hands free, I stretch up and grip the emergency ladder. It moves slightly with my weight, creaking as it does, but at the same time, I hear Robert laugh.

“And you thought they’d come through for you. You always were pathetic, Sway. Weak, idealistic…I should have done this years ago.”

She screams again, and in one upward motion, I pull myself onto the edge of the roof, crouching as I take in the scene before me.

I’m surprised to see Robert is alone. I’d half-expected an army of Crimson Hunters to distract us, but there’s only one figure standing between me and my woman. Robert’s back is to me, so I can make out the ritualistic markings on his naked torso. Warlock then. With a considerable amount of magic etched into his flesh at the moment.

Sway lies bound in the center of an outline drawn in white chalk. Candles surround her, and while I cannot see her face, I can make out the distinct tang of her blood clinging to the air.

A low growl leaves my lips, and Robert whirls on me.

Sway’s chest is bare, her blood showing the marks he was carving into her milky flesh.

“I’m here, baby,” I tell her as soon as I’ve removed the blade from my mouth. I jump down onto the roof and withdraw my other blade.

Nothing is physically blocking the door, but the red rune painted on it alludes to strong magic. Robert straightens fully. He’s shorter than me by a few inches. Not overly muscular either, though I take note of the additional ink on his chest and the magic exuding from it. “You don’t stand a chance against me,kitty.”