“To us,” Duncan says, and when I look up at him, his eyes pierce me until I’m sure he’s seeing right into my heart and soul.
This picnic feels much more significant than just a fun way to celebrate two months of … whatever it is we’re doing.
“To us,” I repeat. Then I put my wine glass to my lips and tip it back, watching as all three men do the same with theirs. The way they watch me as they drink sends my heart fluttering, but it also makes my pulse thrum in apprehension.
Something else is going on here.
I can feel it.
My power responds by surging to the surface, eager to help me probe for the answer. Uneasy, I shove it back and focus on enjoying the food.
Everything’s delicious.
The food, the view as the sun sets and the stars come out, twinkling along with the dancing candlelight. And the company.
Bracken sits on my left, Killian on my right, and Duncan straight ahead. He watches me with added intensity as the others talk and joke throughout the meal.
Killian does, in fact, toast to my pussy at one point. So, I toast to all of their cocks. That makes Killian laugh so hard he falls over.
When I’m stuffed, I sit back and pick up my wine glass—just as Duncan sets his down.
I brace myself, knowing something big is coming. Even without my magic, I can feel a shift has already happened among the three of them. Maybe they’re done with me already. And they’ve come together for a farewell dinner. The thought sobers me instantly.
“Sway,” Duncan says quietly, and my heart hammers in my chest.
“We chose this spot to celebrate tonight because it represents what you want most. Freedom.”
My heart plummets. They’re setting me free after all. I knew it.
“I see.”
“We want you to know that your wants and needs are important to us,” he says. “Which is why, for the past few weeks, we’ve been trying our best to show you we care.” His expression darkens.
“We know you only have two weeks left on the contract you made with D,” Bracken adds. “And we’d planned to wait until then to have this conversation or at least until we put that fucker Robert down, but we can’t wait any longer.”
My heart squeezes, and I bite my lip.
“We want you to stay,” Killian says, taking my hand in his.
It’s the opposite of what I’d expected, and my brain can’t seem to process it.
“We want to give you everything, love,” Killian says. “Not just a rooftop but the whole world. And we don’t want to give you up in two weeks. We don’t want to give you up ever.”
“You want me to stay at the circus,” I say carefully. “With you.”
“If you’ll have us,” he says.
They all watch me with an intensity that makes it hard to think clearly. The wine buzzes inside me, thrumming through my veins like a livewire.
“I don’t know what to say,” I tell them. “I was scared you brought me up here to—” I break off, needing a few deep breaths to steady myself.
“You thought we were going to end things.” Duncan’s words are low and, if I’m not mistaken, angry.