A deep breath in. If I did this, I could make a difference.For the good of the realm.“Okay.” I nodded, pursing my lips as I tried to figure out how I could make this work for me. “But I have conditions.”

Lord Castemont tensed in the corner of my eye, and the old King smiled as the corners of his eyes creased with deep wrinkles. “The art of negotiation is a necessary skill for a king to possess.”

“I’m afraid these conditions are non-negotiable.”

His smile only deepened as he beamed with pride. “Go on.”

I swallowed hard. “I will stay a member of the Royal Guard until it’s time to ascend the throne.”

The smile was gone instantly, replaced by shock. “May I ask why?”

“Cal’s dream as a young child arriving in Eserene was to be a part of the Royal Guard,” Castemont answered for me, his tone edged with an almost imperceptible air of irritation.

The King looked to me and I nodded. “It’s very important to me.”

His face turned thoughtful. “As…noble as it is to want to live a life of service, it’s far too dangerous for a royal heir to serve.”

“That’s the second condition. I want complete anonymity.” Silence descended over the room. I was met with the narrowed eyes of the King. I didn’t even want to look over at Lord Castemont. “I don’t want to lose the freedoms I have now. I want to be able to walk through the city unguarded for as long as I live. I can be a better King that way.”

His mouth bobbed open as he tried to find a rebuttal. “Your subjects will want to know who their king is.”

“Then I’ll have to do so well that they forget to care about what I look like.” I looked to Lord Castemont, his gaze intent on Umfray. The Lord was thinking about something, I could tell. Something was going on behind his eyes.

The King nodded slowly, a shaky hand resting on his cheek. “It will be difficult to accommodate such a request.”


He nodded slowly and let out a deep breath. “Very well.”

I lowered my head in thanks. I’d made it work for me. I was doing what Lord Castemont wanted me to, but I was going to ensure I could still do what I wanted. I was going to remain Cal,andI was going to be King of Widoras.

? ? ?

“Are you out of your Saints damned mind?” Lord Castemont whispered the moment we were out of earshot. Tyrak stood nearby, quietly observing. “Anonymity?”

I narrowed my eyes and tried to think of a response that would be adequately respectful. I chose to keep my mouth shut.

“That wasn't the plan, Cal,” he spat through gritted teeth. “You were supposed to use your position as King to woo the Daughter of Katia. Now what the hell are you going to do?”

I scoffed. “Do you think I’m incapable of seducing a woman as myself?” My voice was louder than I’d anticipated. “Do you think I need a crown to do that?”

“Do not raise your voice at me. I am your Lord.”

“And I will soon be your King.”

It was something beyond fury that flashed in his eyes. Dark. Fearsome. And it was gone as soon as I saw it. The scar on my leg flared with pain as I stared him down, disdain rising within me, same as the day I saw Castemont walk out of the Painted Empress in Inkwell.

Castemont stood taller suddenly, stretching his neck and inhaling deeply, as if to set himself right again. He nodded, straightening his cuffs. “Yes, you will be. Isn’t that right, Tyrak?”

Tyrak’s face betrayed nothing as he gave a terse nod. “Yes, my Lord.”

Castemont faced me again, a forced smile on his face. “I apologize for my temper. I wasn’t expecting you to suggest anonymity. We will work around it.”

And though I was set to be King of Widoras, I had a feeling that the power of the position would never truly be mine.

Chapter 27

Five Years Ago