“I believe the realm may need the Daughter of Katia soon,” the Lord answered, something in his eyes that I didn’t recognize. “Do you know the only one who can positively identify the Daughter of Katia?”

I shook my head. “I don’t.”

“Noros, Saint of Pain. Others can take a guess at her identity, but he’s the only one who will know for sure.”

My eyes narrowed on him as he swayed with the rest of the tavern. “So if you think the Daughter of Katia is coming soon, then you think Noros is, too?”

He leaned in, a knowing smile on his face. “I think he’s already here.”

I opened my mouth to question him, but he slammed his mead down and joined in singing with the rest of the tavern.

The day that she comes

Out ’a walled city’s slum

We’ll all witness somethin’ quite holy

So pray that she’s good

When she’s born from the blood

And delivers the world from its folly

Oh, oh, the ebb and the flow

The fire and the wind and the water

The world it may turn and the world it may burn,

At the hand of Katia’s daughter

“Why is your mug still full?” he demanded, his voice taking on the bellowing authority of a lord once again.

The foamy amber liquid clung to the sides of the mug. “I don’t really like the taste, my Lord.”

“The taste isn’t the reason you drink it,” he chuckled. “Now, drink!” he commanded.

I pursed my lips. “I’d rather talk to you about the people in Inkwell, if we can do more to–”

“Drink!” he yelled again, a sly smile on his face. “Your Lord commands it.”

My eyes turned to Tyrak, hoping he’d tell Castemont that I had to train later today, so I shouldn’t be drinking. But he simply nodded once.

Tipping the mug to my mouth, I did my best to take a few sips. I couldn’t help but gag at the taste.

Lord Castemont let out a hearty laugh as he watched me. “Keep going, Cal.” He turned to the barkeep, a hand waving her down. “Mindra! Two more, please!”

“My Lord, I–”


I did as I was commanded.

Oh, oh, the ebb and the flow

The fire and the wind and the water

The world it may turn and the world it may burn,