“Yeah, whatever. Enjoy the view!” he answered, his voice thick with bad attitude.

The entirety of Eserene was visible in the distance, framed by the massive columns of rock jutting up from the cliffs. An idea flashed through my mind — there could be another crystal cave on this side of the cliffs. Tobyas would be pissed if there was a crystal cave only I could reach. The look on his face would be priceless.

I ran to the far edge, carefully looking over the lip down the sheer cliff face. No signs of a cave, but I did see an inlet we hadn’t yet explored and a rough ledge that looked like it could take us to it, and–

A clipped scream split the air in two, the sound so out of place among the crashing waves that it took me a moment to realize where it came from.


My legs couldn’t carry me fast enough to the edge, the air closing in around me as I skidded to a halt. “Tobyas!” His name ripped from my throat like the edge of a knife. Where was he? All the rocks looked the same, all the ledges looked the same–

“TOBYAS!” My voice broke as I frantically whipped my head back and forth, my eyes desperately searching the cliff face for any sign of him.

Where is he where is he where is he?

Then I saw it. A cloud of crimson in the water, quickly swallowed by the waves that crashed over the rocks far below.Too far below.

“No!” I jumped down to the ledge and slid over the steep incline, my eyes glued to the waves, my ears straining for his voice. “Tobyas!”

I bent down to unlace my boots, ripping at the leather. I had minutes, maybe seconds. He couldn’t swim.Icouldn’t swim, but I was going to swim. Ihadto swim.

“I’m coming, Tobyas! I’m coming!” It was a far jump. I just had to make sure to land past the jagged rocks, then I could climb over them and try to find him.

The waves picked up then, the sun suddenly smothered by a mass of gray clouds that had formed, blotting out the clear blue sky. Thunder crashed out of nowhere as the waves pounded the cliff face harder, rough white water tumbling in with force I’d never seen before.

I stepped back, took a deep breath, and leaped off the ledge–

A monstrous wave collided with me, higher than I’d ever seen in the harbor. It slammed me back against the cliff face, leaving me in the exact place I’d leapt from. I shook the impact from my head and leaped again, determined to get to Tobyas, but another wave pinned me to the rock. I gasped for breath when the wave pulled back, only for the saltwater to crash over me again, as if Idros, Saint of Storms himself, was holding me in place.

The rain started then, heavy and unforgiving between the waves that assaulted me. “Tobyas! Please!” The rain pelted against my skin so hard it was almost painful, but all I could think about was getting to Tobyas. I scanned the harbor for a boat, for anyone that could help, but I saw no one through the sheets of punishing rain.

Lightning spiderwebbed across the sky, illuminating the craggy rocks that lay beneath the water’s rough white surface for a split second. They were angry serrated knives pointed and ready to kill.

My eyes stung and the thunder rattled my skull like Idros was bludgeoning my head with his mighty fist. All I could do was scream out for my brother. Over and over, between the waves, the lightning, and the rain, I screamed. Helpless. Hopeless.

As a wave rushed back, I sprang forward, once again launching myself through the air, plunging to the water below.

The sheer force of the wave sent stars circling through my vision as my head slammed into the cliff. The water didn’t pull back this time, the current so powerful that I was completely paralyzed. My lungs began to burn before long. But the wave didn’t let up.

My mouth flew open on instinct and I choked on the force of the seawater that entered my lungs.Please,I thought.Please, someone, anyone. Get my brother.

As the edges of my vision clouded over and darkened, my mind clawed with desperation for a way out. But there was no way out. There was only saltwater and muffled screams as I was swallowed by complete darkness.

? ? ?

Briny water scorched my raw throat as it came back up, my abdomen clenching as I heaved. I was hot, and my entire body convulsed under the brutal sun as I remembered.


I clambered to the edge of the cliff, staring down the sheer drop to the pulsing waves below, the depths the color of lapis lazuli. Endless. Empty.

No. No no no no no.

I could have pushed harder against the water to get to him. I should have. It couldn’t happen like this.This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening.

I had to get home. I had to get to Aunt Berna. I had to get to–

Castemont.Lord Castemont would have access to a boat. He could send someone out on the water to search for him. Maybe Tobyas was stuck on a rock somewhere. Maybe he fell but the giant waves pushed him against the cliff like they did to me. He had to be waiting for me somewhere.