Castemontwas evil incarnate.

“His supporters are just as maligned as he is,” Miles explained. “They’re not going to bow to you. And neither will the Vacants.”

“I don’t want them to.”

“You’re missing the point, Petra.” The group collectively inhaled as Miles stepped even closer to me, the ram’s face inches from mine. “They are what stand in the way of you and the Cabillian throne.”

I chewed on my lip, my eyes wide as I thought. “The first step is eliminating them,” Summercut said quietly.

What would a queen say in this situation? “A battle then. To kill as many of Kauvras’ supporters as possible?”

“Kill, yes. Or sway their loyalty,” Summercut answered. “But first…”

It hit me like a brick to the face. “But first, the Vacants.”

He gave a grim nod. “We need to…deal with the Vacants. They won’t care if you’re Katia herself. They are loyal to leechthorn and nothing else.”

I inhaled, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat in the tense stillness of the tent, the silence interrupted by the sounds of Taitha still burning across the fields of leechthorn. Deal with the Vacants? My mother?

I eyed Summercut. “What are you suggesting?”

Summercut shifted uncomfortably in place, looking to Miles. “Well… I think the best, mosthumaneway–”

“You’re going to kill them,” Miles cut in, his breathing hard behind the mask. “You’re going to put them out of their misery.”

The shock was metallic in my throat as his words clanged through my skull. “What?” I demanded, brows raised.

“You’re going to burn them. All of them,” he answered curtly.

My blood instantly boiled as I pinned him with my stare. “Like hell I am! Are you insane?” I yelled, my blistered palms hitting the table as my gaze moved wildly about the room. “You want me tokillthem?Killmy mother? You’re out of your Saints damned mind if you think–”

“Petra!” Miles grabbed my shoulders, his grip so firm it bordered on pain. “They’re already gone!” My breath was hissing through clenched teeth as I stared at my own convoluted reflection in the metal of the ram’s head mask. I could feel his stare piercing through my skin. “They’re already gone, Petra,” he repeated, his words quieter, the edges softer, his broad palms still steadily gripping my shoulders.

My head turned to Summercut. His face was contorted with conflict, his eyes brimming with sorrow. He inhaled deeply. “It’s the only way.”

“I won’t do it.”

“You must,” Summercut answered.

My head snapped back to Miles, his hands moving from my shoulders to my upper arms, thumbs moving back and forth across my skin. The touch feltwrong,like something that should comfort me but instead shot uneasiness through me. “I won’t. And don’t fucking touch me.”

I shook myself free from his grasp, his hands falling unceremoniously to his sides as I shouldered my way out of the tent. I still felt his grip on my skin as I walked into the evening air.

“Your Majesty,” I heard, turning to see Summercut had followed me. He stood before me, head lowered as soldiers moved around us. “Could I please have a word?”

I crossed my arms and nodded wordlessly.

“No one wants this,” he said quietly. “This isn’t how anyone wanted this to end.”

“And how did you want it to end? What did you expect?”

He took a deep breath, eyes landing on the field of leechthorn that lay behind me. “I can’t speak for everyone else, but I’d always hoped… I don’t know, that there was some way to save them.”

The fading daylight was a glint in his eyes, their color the same as the smoke that hung over Taitha. I let out a deep breath, the tension in my chest melting into empathy. “You really think the best option is to kill them?”

Summercut swallowed hard, the muscles in his jaw twinging. “I think it’s the only option.” His eyes fell distant again, on the city that continued to burn. “I don’t say that lightly.”

His features looked like they’d been chiseled from black marble, austere and intimidating as I believed a military commander should be. But his face was lined with grief and regret, the stark contrast between the severity of his features and the look etched into them punching a hole somewhere in my chest. Understanding poured in. “Kauvras took someone you love.”