Page 48 of He Found Me

“More than likely. We think that the Martelé were working with the Graves.”

“No, the Martelé work only for themselves, like the Guerra’s,” Leo argues.

“Maybe so, but the Martelé and the Graves leader were both involved in kidnapping Katie. For what reason as yet, we don’t know.”

“I might do,” I admit.

Chapter 24


Nobody has actually asked me for my version of events yet. Maybe they don’t want to upset me, or maybe they think it won’t be of any value.

Starting at the beginning, I explain how the police raided Jax’s house. How two men broke into his home, and I had to escape through next door’s loft. I told them about the police, how that guy had been outside the salon, and how Jax had treated me since getting on the plane back to England. When I relive the details of my kidnap, my body shakes; I can’t hold in the sobs when I explain the terror I felt, the pain they inflicted. Leo’s temper builds. He stands, fists clenched, before reigning it in to sit back beside me, comforting me.

“The Martelé wanted something from Jax. Whatever it was, he had hidden it in my bear.” Sadness comes over me as I think of my snuggly. “Guessing, I’d say it was a memory card of some description.”

“Describe it to me.” Josh is taking down notes while I speak.

“It was only small. About 3 or 4 centimetres and blue, I think.”

“Good, Katie, you’re doing really well. Carry on.” Leo encourages, squeezing my hand.

“The Martelé wanted what Jax had hidden. In return, Jax wanted them to do something for him. I don’t know what. But whatever it was, they had no intention of doing it.”

“How do you know?”

“I heard them talking. They were going to take it, then kill Jax and me.”

“And Jax didn’t hear them say this?”

“They spoke in Italian.” Leo’s attention pricks up. Damien notices this.

“Katie is fluent in Italian. Did you know, Guerra?” Both Damien and Josh smirk at Leo's furious reaction. Feeling bad, I look to him to explain, but he just kisses me.

“My Katie is full of surprises.” Although I can tell it is killing him inside, he lets it go. My heart swells for him in that moment.

“I tried to warn Jax, but he didn’t believe me. That’s when I got this.” My hand goes to the swelling on my face, which surrounds my broken cheekbone. Leo hisses in anger.

“Why would they take Katie? I saw Martele’s face when I arrived. He wasn’t expecting me. He had no idea I even knew Katie.”

“That we don’t know, but I’d guess Jaxon knew exactly who you were. He probably took Katie as insurance.”


Marco, the stubborn sod, who refuses to die, is adamant he is discharging himself the day Katie is released. It’s been less than a week, but he insists he is fine. Bullet number twelve, I really thought this was the one that had finally defeated him. However, I should have known. Not that I’d ever tell him, but I’m really glad he didn’t die that day. I’ve rented a house just outside London. Damien has sorted the best care team around to ensure they’re both fit and well as quickly as possible, which is good, as I need Marco. I have an idea, and he has work to do. Marco is unhappy about my plans but goes along with them all the same. The arrangements in Italy are beginning. Part two of the plan is to get Katherine, not Katie, to agree to be my wife. I’ve realised I’m in love with her. From the moment we met, not the quiet, teenage Katherine I first knew. I love the feisty Katie I now know. Making her happy is what I need to do. She will be my wife but under her terms.

Both patients have their blood pressure checked by nurses. The pair sit side by side. Katie is telling Marco all about some Netflix series she is watching about the mafia. She makes me laugh, suggesting things to Marco about how we could do things. At least she is taking an interest in the family business. I laugh at Marco when he catches my line of sight. He’s less than amused and furious he can’t get up to leave. Katie continues twittering on regardless. Damien, Bella, and their little daughter, Daisy, arrive to see Katie. Damien leaves Bella to talk but lingers in the hallway on his phone.

“Does he always follow you around like a lost puppy?” Marco questions. Bella laughs.

“A Rottweiler, more like.” Yes, he’s never far from us. Heaven forbid Daisy and I are apart; he doesn’t know where to be.” Marco tuts and leaves the room. He doesn’t understand love and relationships. In his opinion, men who put women before themselves are soft. Up until I met Katie, I had similar thoughts. Leaving the girls to chat, I make some calls. It seems the news of the recent deaths has made it back to Italy. The Guerra have murdered the Martelé leaders. In turn, we have just declared war. It was an unavoidable situation but one I could do without. Although we have some time while the Martelé appoints their new leader, we must get back to Italy and sort out the situation. The fact that neither I nor Marco are in the country doesn’t bode well.


“Any idea when you will be coming back to work, Katie? No pressure, obviously; you take as much time as you need. Just so I can make sure everything is ready for you, that’s all. Plus, I really miss you.”

“I’ve really missed you too.” And I have; I meant it. But not enough that I want to go back to work. When I look to my future now, I don’t see myself here. I’m in a hot country living by the sea with Leo. There’s nothing keeping here. I love my parents, but we don’t live in each other’s pockets. We go for months without seeing each other. And anyway, Italy isn’t so far away.