Page 40 of He Found Me

“What about that scruffy of yours?”

“Snuggly? My teddy? Yeah, he’s safely in my bag.” I tap my handbag at the side of me.

Jax smiles and laughs.

“If there’s one thing I can always rely on, it's that you will have that thing with you wherever you go.” Still laughing, he pulls me into a side hug. I try to ignore his ‘thing’ comment when referring to my teddy. He knows how important he is to me.

When we arrive at the airport, Jax gets out of his side and closes the taxi door. After a moment or two, I realise he isn’t coming back to open my door. Jax never has done that though . I have become used to Leo opening my door and helping me out. I feel a pang in my chest as I think of him. Taking a deep breath, I open my door, pay the taxi driver, and follow Jax into the airport.

There’s a flight leaving in 30 minutes.

“If you hurry, you will make it before the gate closes.” We run through passport control and get on the plane just before they close the gates. I slump into my seat beside Jax. They close the plane doors and start their safety checks.

“So, Jax, how are you? What have the police said? Did they find out who framed you?”

Jax is messaging someone on his phone. He holds it at an angle, so I can’t see the screen. “Jax?”

“Just give me a minute.” He’s abrupt. Maybe he is stressed and doesn’t want to talk about prison. I give him a few minutes to finish his messages. The air stewardess comes around to check our seat belts.

“Could you put your phone on flight mode now, please, sir.”

“In a minute.” Jax snaps back.

“I’m sorry, sir, but it’s very important that you turn it off right now so as not to interfere with the aircraft’s communication for take-off.”

“Right, right, it's off. Happy now?” he puts his phone in his pocket. I have never heard him be so rude before.

“Is everything ok?”

“It's fine. I’m just tired. Do you mind just letting me get some rest?” he puts his earphones in, lays his head back, and closes his eyes. I’m confused. He comes all the way to Italy the minute he gets released from prison to find me, but as soon as we have time together, he wants to sleep? Maybe it was Damien who arranged for him to come and get me. At least I am going home. Back to England, rainy England. Back to work. Back to my lonely apartment. Oh no, what have I done? My heart feels heavy at the thought of being so far away from Leo. The last time I saw him, he was so hurt. I did that to him. He better not do anything stupid. I get out my phone to message him but then remember it’s on flight mode. As soon as we land, I will send him a message.

The next two hours and twelve minutes drag like you wouldn’t believe. I have read the inflight magazines front to back; I don’t know how many times. I’ve had drinks and snacks, played stupid games that I didn’t even know I had on my phone, and Jax still has his earphones in, sat in the same position.

The minute we start to leave the plane, I switch my phone on. It instantly rings. Bella lights up my screen.

“Bella, I’ve just landed; I’m home!” Jax turns around, annoyed. ‘Get off the phone,’ he mouths angrily. I’m not sure why. There were plenty of other people on their phones, and the cabin crew didn’t say anything as I walked past them.

“You have? Already. Damien said you would be home in a couple of days. I was ringing to arrange to meet up.” So maybe Damien didn’t arrange for Jax to get me, or maybe Damien hasn’t told Bella everything.

“Great, well, it’s getting late now. I think Jax mentioned a taxi picking us up from the airport, but it will take at least an hour or so. How about tomorrow morning?”

“You’re with Jax?”

“Yeah, he surprised me, so we came home together.”

“You know he came looking for you at the salon a day or two after you left. I said I didn’t know where you were, but that you had gone on holiday. He got quite angry, actually. We had to get security to escort him out.”

“Really, that doesn’t sound like him. Not long after I left, did you say?”

“Yes, like the day after.” This doesn’t make sense; Jax said he only just got out.

“Oh, ok. I need to speak to him. I’ll catch you up with everything tomorrow. So, meet you at our usual cafe?”

“Perfect, I can’t wait to see you; I’m dying to hear all your news. Text me when you’re safely home, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Will do. See you tomorrow.”

I’m so looking forward to seeing Bella. I wonder how much Damien has told her. I’ll tell her the whole truth now anyway. Just as I’m about to put my phone back in my bag, Jax snatches it off me.