Page 24 of Glittering Feather

I sent a thought to the others, gathered in the kitchen, and they all answered with understanding. I enjoyed sharing Feather with the men who were my brothers, watching her bathe in the pleasure we could provide as a group, but this month had been difficult.

Precious was almost too quick to pick up all the lessons I set for her, and never complained at the grunt work I assigned, but her spirit had been bruised, by her actions and the consequences of them.

But what hurt most was how, as soon as she had finished her work, she fled from the house as if she wanted nothing more than to escape. She rarely spoke to me, or any of us, outside of the few necessary words in my workshop or at mealtimes, though she’d taken to skipping those as well, carrying sandwiches to the edge of the Limen to eat her dinners alone.

“Maybe I should let her stop,” I murmured. Feather shook her head, silver hair flying around her shoulders.

“Keep teaching her, Growly.” She stood on the bed, her face almost level with mine, her hands clasping my forearms. She gripped the feathers that her other mates had given me to keep me alive, and those connections thrummed with traces of their souls’ energies. “She loves us, no matter what she says.”

And she will need the knowledge you impart,Seraphiel whispered in our shared connection.It could be what will bring her back to us. It may be what tips the balance to saving her…His voice trailed off, and I heard him leave the house.

I embraced my mate as she shivered. Seraphiel’s voice had held the ring of prophecy, and it shook all her parents down to our cores to know our daughter had a terrible future awaiting her. “Kiss me, sweet soul?” Feather exhaled deeply, then lifted her eyes to mine. The love that shone from her face made me blink in wonder. “Beloved,” I began, but she pressed her lips against mine, her innermost being opening almost instantly, filling the room with the perfume of roses, a silent symphony, and glittering beams of light that flew from her as she showed me her love.

As she showed me her soul.

The most beautiful soul ever created, I thought as she gently, almost reverently, removed my clothing. Her fingertips traced the scars that littered my body, lingering on the one over my heart where I had taken my flesh to make our daughter’s first form.

Yes,Feather agreed, pushing me back onto the bed and lowering her naked body over me.Youarethe most beautiful, my wonderful, talented Maker.

She sketched a sigil for healing lightly over my heart, then drew her hands gently over my shoulders and to my wings. “These arms, these wings,” she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. “So strong. And all mine.” The backs of her tiny nails scraped along the edges of the leading feathers, and my cock responded, stiffening as if her hands were there instead. I held still, allowing her to dictate the speed of our lovemaking, as she threaded those hands in my hair, then downward in lazy spirals toward my groin.

I swallowed hard as she settled between my legs, blowing gently on my heated flesh. “Are you planning to torture me, beloved?”

“If making you scream and beg for more is torture? Then, yes, I am,” she purred. She set her mouth to the tip of my erection, her small tongue lapping at the head so lightly it was almost imperceptible. Tasting me.

“I’ll beg. I’m not proud,” I groaned, fighting for control as she slowly lowered her mouth a centimeter at a time over my rigid cock. Her nipples were tight, brushing against me as she moved, her hair burning silk on my hips as she opened her mouth wider to take me in, her slender legs pressed between mine. Every movement was gentle.


“More, sweet soul.” Instead, she moved even more slowly, popping off the tip. “Don’t you like this?” she teased. Her eyes were bright behind a messy curtain of silver hair. “Maybe I should stop. We could rest instead.”

“Minx,” I growled, and pushed her hair back, threading my fingers close to her scalp, then pressing her down to my cock, until her hot mouth enveloped me. I used my grip to move her over me, fucking into her mouth faster and harder than I ever had before. She took every inch as if she were starved for me, making small sounds of appreciation when I thrust even deeper.

I felt the vibration of her laugh as she sucked.I knew I could get you to be rough with me.

Oh, you naughty little thing, I replied, tightening my grip even more. I felt her acceptance, her pleasure, as she gave control to me.I may give you that spanking you asked for.

I’ll take anything you want to give, my Growly Bear,she replied in my mind, her mouth too full to speak.I trust you.

In response, I spun out threads of my own energy, wrapping her wings in a fine mesh of light. I sent stronger cords to her most sensitive areas, to every erogenous zone I’d discovered over the years, loving the way she shivered in anticipation. Gavriel might be able to make more glorious music, and Rumple and Righteous might spin out her most decadent fantasies for her, but I was her first mate. I knew how to build her pleasure while I wrapped her in a love so pure and strong, nothing in the created universe could stand against it.

And I knew how to make her come so hard, the universe shook. I sent energy down every cord that I’d wrapped around her, and spoke a word of power that translated intoBliss.Her climax raced through her so quickly, she cried out around my cock, sparks of colorful glitter and electric energy rising into the air around her. I bit my tongue to keep from following her over that edge, and waited for her shuddering to lessen.

At last, she moved higher on the bed until her face was over mine, then lowered herself, sliding down over my cock. She embraced my physical form as she merged my soul with hers fully, hiding nothing. Trusting me to see and know and accept every aspect of her.

I’ll love you forever, you know,she thought as she moved gently once more, slowly, both of us luxuriating in the moment.I loved you when I was unmade in the void. I loved you when I came back. You’re my foundation, my safe place. My home.

Tears fell down our cheeks as we spiraled together in near-agonizing pleasure, and light filled the room when I pulled again at the golden threads that I’d wound around her, driving her to a peak that lasted longer than any before.

It felt like a benediction. Like a moment of silence before the ringing of a bell.

Or the calm before a hurricane of change.

Go to sleep, Growly. Tomorrow can worry about itself,Feather murmured into my mind, her small hands wrapping around my shoulders as she slipped into a favorite dream.We’ve got pies to eat.

For a moment, I slid into her fantasy, as Righteous, Seraphiel, Gavriel and I—all wearing nothing but coconut oil and judiciously placed dollops of whipped cream—stood in line to feed her an assortment of warm pastries as she sat atop a golden throne made of what appeared to be dildoes.

“More pies for your queen!” she demanded with a giggle, as we bowed.