He watched me steadily, waiting for my answer.

“No.It’s not wrong to want more.But you understand that my government isn’t going to just hand over women, though, right?”

He grunted again and looked off into the night.

“You need sleep,” he said finally.

“And you don’t?”

“I need less than you.”

“I wouldn’t share that bit of information either, or Patrick will have you pulling double guard shifts.”

Molev nodded, and we started for the house.A movie already played inside, and Roni was on the couch with Katie and Ted.All three watched as Molev followed me down the hall.

I could only imagine how Katie had interpreted the hand-holding.Talking about us had probably deflected attention from her and Ted coming in so close together.

In the bedroom, I kicked off my boots and removed my jacket, adding both to my gear pile.Molev waited for me to settle in then took his place.

I should have fallen asleep quickly.I didn’t, though.My mind went over what he’d revealed and what it might mean for our mission.

Patrick thought Molev might help us find a possible cure.Molev was willing to go along on the grounds of helping because he wanted women in return.Asking for women in exchange for a cure might be the very thing that would trigger the government to do what I’d said they wouldn’t.

What would Molev do if the government tried to force his compliance without giving anything in return?I didn’t want to find out.

He moved slightly behind me.A weight settled on my waist.His arm.He leaned closer and let out a long exhale.

“My fate is in your hands,” he said softly.

He settled closer to me, his chest against my back, and his breathing evened out.

It took me a long while to do the same, and when I woke, he was gone, just like each of the previous mornings.

Roni sat on the bed across from me and extended a cup of coffee as soon as I opened my eyes.

“How was it?”she asked.

“How was what?”I took the cup and sat up.

“Sex with an alien, Andie.Please tell me you didn’t let that ship sail.That mast was made for—”

“We slept.That’s it,” I said.

She groaned.“Andie.We’re trying to build interspecies relations here.He’s obviously interested in you.”

I realized how all the time we’d spent together might seem to everyone else.

“Don’t mistake growing trust for attraction, Roni.That’s all that’s going on.But if you want to build a different kind of relationship, go for it.Just maybe ease up on your game a little.He wants to get to know someone first before jumping in bed with them.”

She grinned at me.“He’s one of those?”

“I think they might all be,” I said.

“I haven’t had a shy guy in ages.This is going to be fun.”She popped up from the bed and left me to sip my coffee and get dressed.

The sky was just starting to lighten when I walked into the kitchen and viewed the decimated remains of a home-cooked breakfast.I grabbed a pancake, rolling it up to eat it on the go, and headed out the door.

Some of the team was already quietly packing gear in the vehicles while the others kept watch.