“I have not had sex.”


I shouldn’t careabout his sex life.It had no impact on the future of the world.Yet, didn’t every member of this team have a responsibility to bond with him in some way?Or was I just trying to justify my reasons for asking all the questions I was dying to let loose?

Mentally saying screw it, I stopped in front of the door and faced him.

“Is that why you keep saying no to Roni?”I asked.


He didn’t say anything more.I knew that meant he didn’t want to talk about her and his continued rejection of her advances.Did that mean I couldn’t ask more about his lack of sex life, though?

My gaze swept over his face as I tried to figure out why he had spent thousands of years single.He wasn’t ugly.Unusual, yes, but not ugly.His square jaw hinted at a bit of stubbornness, and that wide, generous mouth rarely smiled.Yet, I’d glimpsed potential flashes of humor and his patience.His temper, too.

But I didn’t think that was the problem.He’d seemed upset by the fact Roni had been knocked out during our initial meeting.No, there had to be something else.

“Are you attracted to men?”I asked.

He blinked at me.

“It’s fine if you are.I’m not judging.”

“I am not attracted to males.”

“Okay.I give up then.Why haven’t any of your women given you a chance?”

He looked away from me, not at the barn or off in the distance but at the ground a distance from us.

“You don’t trust me with the answer,” I said, guessing at his reaction.

His gaze shifted back to me, and I suspected I was right.

“Listen, whatever the reason is, it doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you still don’t trust us.When you’re ready, I’ll be here to listen.”

“We have no women,” he said when I moved to go inside.

I stared at him as pieces clicked into place.How he wasn’t sure what to make of Roni’s advances.The way he’d hesitated to claim a bed.The way he sometimes watched me.

“Is that why so many of you were willing to help the woman find her baby?And what about Mya?Did she need help too?”

He dipped his head.“Drav was tracking two of our kind when he found her.He kept her safe.When the bombs started to fall, she returned to our caves and taught us your language.”

“You didn’t speak our language until then?”


The questions started piling up in my head, and I was still trying to decide what to focus on when Katie and Ted emerged from the barn, walking hand in hand.

Molev reached for the door, but I caught his hand.

“I don’t want to go inside yet.I still have so many questions.”

“You need sleep,” he said.

“I do, but not yet.”

He glanced from my hand holding his to Katie and Ted.I looked at them, too, and caught a flicker of shock in Katie’s gaze before she released Ted’s hand and smiled at us.