“Yeah.Where’s the eye candy?”

“According to Derek, Molev’s keeping watch outside with Patrick and Ted.If you’re going out there, maybe see if he wants to come in.I don’t think he slept much.”

“Oh, he slept plenty.He was still snuggled up behind you when Katie crawled in with me a few hours ago.Wish we could have traded partners.”

Based on Molev’s reactions to Roni so far, I didn’t think he’d be okay with trading.

Roni ate quickly and went out to relieve Ted, who came in and went to bed without eating anything.A few more hours passed before the remaining crew woke and made their way to the kitchen.The sky was just starting to lighten.

“Did Patrick tell anyone what our next move will be?”Katie asked.

We all looked at each other, which obviously meant no one had an answer.Sid nudged Mateo when he finished eating, and the pair went out to relieve Molev and Patrick.

Molev’s eyes found mine as soon as he entered the kitchen.He didn’t say anything.Just took the chair beside me that Sid had vacated.

“What are today’s orders?”Katie asked before Patrick, who looked dead on his feet, could leave.

“Hunker down,” he said before looking at me.“Keep watch.”

I knew he didn’t mean outside but Molev.

* * *

“If we don’t dosomething soon, I’m going to snap,” Roni said, shifting her position on the roof beside me.“What the fuck is Patrick waiting for?”

I didn’t have any answer for her.I wasn’t sure I fully understood what Patrick was doing.

On the surface, it seemed like Patrick had given us the last four days to rest up and recover from losing Evan, Jackson, William, and Kevin.We slept, we ate, and we kept watch.Mostly on Molev.

“He just threw another body onto the pile,” Roni said, watching through her binoculars.“Why doesn’t he just leave them in the woods?”

“Ask him when he comes in,” I said.

Every morning, Molev ate with us.Then he left to patrol the surrounding woods.He’d done it since that first day.The moment Patrick slept, Molev had told me he would be back and left without another word.It was Sid on the roof who’d spotted the growing pile of bodies.Patrick had flipped out that we’d let Molev out of our sights.As if we had any chance of keeping up with him.

But the big grey man had returned at dinner and answered Patrick’s questions about his day.He’d left to keep the woods clear so we could sleep more peacefully at night.That was it.Patrick hadn’t believed him and had tried to go out with him the second day.He hadn’t been able to keep up.

I rolled my shoulder, cracking my neck.

“Go take a break and bug Patrick,” Roni said.“I’ve got this until someone else comes up.With him out there, nothing else is moving.”

I headed down the ladder and found Patrick at the kitchen table where he was studying the map.

“What kind of body count are you waiting for?”I asked.“He’s up to thirty so far.If it weren’t this cold, we’d smell it already.”

Patrick leaned back in his chair and gestured for me to take a seat.

“Have you gotten anything more out of him?”he asked.

“Like what?”

“Anything that would prove what he’s saying is true.That he wants to help us.”

“You’re waiting for him to say something to validate what he’s already said?You can hear how illogical that sounds, right?”

“Has he slipped up?Has he contradicted himself?”

“We’ve barely talked,” I said.