“You’re not like the others.”
“How so?”
“You’re fearless.You sit close to me.You speak frankly to me.You don’t wave your weapon around in an attempt to intimidate me.”
“Ah.You’re mistaking my actions for courage I don’t have.I’m sitting this close because distance doesn’t matter.I’ve seen how fast you can move.Which is also why I’m not bothering with a weapon.I’d rather not have you wreck any more of them.And I’m only speaking some of what’s on my mind, not all of it, to see how you’ll react.A person’s actions say a lot about them.”
“And what are my actions saying about me?”
“I’m not exactly sure, which is why I’m willingly sitting here, talking to you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, if I thought any of your actions so far were threatening, I wouldn’t be here.I don’t understand why you’ve knocked out the members of my team more than once, but I do know you’ve held back when you could have done more damage.So, I have to ask: What do you want with us?Why are you here?Because we both know you’re sitting there by choice.”I gestured to the emptiness around us.“No one’s here to stop you from leaving.”
“Why are you here, Andie?”Molev said.
“I already told you.To figure you out.To find out what you want from us.And by us, I mean humanity as a whole.Where did your people come from?Why are they attacking us?”
“We do not attack.We defend.”
I let that statement hang between us for a moment as I thought about it.We had been the ones to shoot at them first at the tank.And Evan had shot at Molev before Molev had turned around.
“Okay.Youhaven’t attacked us yet, but you’ve been attacked by us twice.So I’m even more confused why you’d want to stick around.”
Another mouth-corner twitch.
“There are reasons,” he said.“But I would like to keep those reasons to myself for now.”
While I appreciated that we were speaking openly, it frustrated me that he was holding anything back.
“What about attacking humans in general?”I asked.“Why send the dogs after us?Why spread the disease that is causing people to turn undead?”
“Mya calls them infected.”
“Infected then.Why allow the dogs to spread the infection?”
“We never meant to release the hounds.The earthquake did that.”
“I saw the footage.Two of your kind led the dogs to the surface.”
“Two of my kind were chased to the surface by the hounds.And they are now responsible for hunting the hounds and destroying them.”
I let that settle in my mind as I watched him.If the hounds weren’t theirs, it did clear things up a little.
“How many hounds are there, and how many have the two hunting them destroyed?”
“Many and not enough.The hounds hide during the day and hunt in pairs or packs at night.And they are not easily killed.A bullet.A knife.An arrow to the heart.Those are all useless.To kill—
He stopped speaking and looked at the door.
A second later, it opened.Patrick and Brandon walked in.
Brandon had a pile of blankets in his arms along with a pillow.Patrick carried two MREs and two bottles of water.He radiated tension and disapproval.
“Molev was just telling me that the hounds chased two of his kind to the surface.They weren’t led here like the video made it seem.He was also about to tell me how they could be killed.”
I turned to Molev.