Page 154 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

“Do you think that’s what’s happening?”I asked.

“I don’t know.But we need to keep watching.”

“I will.”

A howl rang out to the north.

“Does anyone have eyes on the hounds?”Patrick asked over the radio.

“We lost sight of the one we fired at after the explosions,” Sid said.

“Stay safe, Andie,” Molev said.

I watched him jog to the nearest edge and jump off.

“Andie,” Patrick called.

He waved me over to the northern side of the roof and handed me what looked like bulky binoculars.

“Take a look.”

When I looked through them, I saw different colored shapes in a field of colors.The smaller ones were moving slightly, and there were a lot of them.Something was moving faster in front of them in a back-and-forth pattern.

I watched for several unsteady heartbeats, understanding that I was seeing a mass of infected behind a pacing hound.

“That’s new,” I said.

“It is,” Patrick agreed.“Why would the hound be holding them back?”

“Eyes to the south,” someone called over the radio.

Patrick’s gaze held mine as he spoke into his radio.“Molev, there’s a hound to the north, holding back at least a hundred infected.Are the hounds smart enough to set traps like the infected?”

Silence echoed for a long moment.


Molev’s single-word reply had the nearest soldier swearing softly.

“Sid, stay where you’re at,” Patrick said.“We may need you to the north.Molev, can you handle the one to the south on your own?”

A roar followed by an outburst of snarling to the south answered Patrick’s question.

I lifted the binoculars to look north again.The hound had paused its pacing, and the infected weren’t moving at all.

“I am not a fan of that,” I said, handing the binoculars to Patrick.“I’m going to keep an eye on Molev.Let us know if that changes.”

I left him to his study and went to find Molev.

I didn’t like how the infected were changing.It brought back all the questions that Molev had previously asked.When would the changes stop, and what would the infected be once they did stop?I wasn’t sure I wanted to know because I was certain they weren’t reverting into humans again.

Hurrying across the roof to the far edge, I watched the darkness with the others as the snarls continued.

“Eyes to the west,” someone else said.

I frowned.Had the one to the north moved or was there another one?

“Sid, keep the one to the west distracted,” Patrick said.