“You’re thinking about sex again, aren’t you?”
His lips twitched, and he slowly shook his head as he set aside the remnants of his meal.
“Not simply sex, Andie, but having you in my life for the rest of my days.”
He stood and picked up his cot.I tucked my legs out of the way, already knowing what he planned to do.Once his was beside mine, I lay down, facing him.His creaked under his weight.
“It’ll break if you add me to it,” I said.
He grunted and draped his arm over my waist.
“Sleep, Andie.It will be dark soon.”
I gently traced a finger around the new bite mark on his cheek and closed my eyes, trying to imagine what a future with Molev would look like.
A faint howl woke me sometime later.My eyes flew open, and I was off the cot in a heartbeat.In the tent’s dim light, I saw the cot beside mine was already empty.The rest were full, though.
I opened my mouth to wake them then decided against it.The howl had been faint, and we had plenty of people to guard the lights in shifts if they could sleep through the noise to come.
I strode through the tent’s opening.Outside, I spotted people standing sentinel at the edge of the roof around the building.The lights glowed from below in addition to the ones on the roof.
“There’s sleeping beauty,” Steve said from nearby.“I was wondering if you’d sleep through that.”
“No way in hell,” I said.“Where’s Molev?”
“He’s been keeping the fence clear since dark,” he said, joining me.
We walked toward the northern edge, and I saw where Molev had created a body pile of beheaded infected.Another one sat a few hundred yards from that one.
“Watch this,” Steve said, pointing toward an infected shuffling our way at an awkward jog.The second it noticed the body pile, it slowed.
“What’s it doing?”I asked.
“It’s second-guessing its unlife choices, I think.”The infected pivoted and started running away.
“We’ve got a runner to the northwest,” a guard called out.
A few seconds later, Molev came sprinting into view.
Molev caughtthe runner and removed its head before tossing both onto the pile.Then he disappeared again.
“The piles make more sense now,” Steve said.“Patrick’s the one who suggested Molev start placing them closer together.”
“That’s interesting,” I said softly.
“Yeah.So was that kiss Molev gave you.Patrick wanted to know how often that happened.”
“And what did you tell him?”
“That I’m not into voyeurism, but if he was, I wouldn’t hold it against him.”
“How’d that go over?”I asked.
“Fine.”Steve grinned.“Molev showed up before Patrick could lay into me.”
I could imagine the situation clearly and wasn’t sure if I was more amused or frustrated by it.