Page 136 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

“No, it isn’t.”

We walked like that, side-by-side, his hand on my neck and mine resting on his side, all the way to the mess hall.

“Are you going to make me get my tray with one hand?”I asked.The fingers resting on my skin tightened fractionally in silent warning.

I smirked, and he released me.But he didn’t leave my side.We moved through the line together.The food looked decent, and there were plenty of protein options for Molev to pile on his tray, which he held in one hand so the other could rest on my neck again as I led the way to a table.He sat on my left while Roni quickly took her place on the right.

“So, that was interesting,” she said.

“Don’t start.”I took a bite of food and caught Sid’s jerky move across from Roni.She grunted and started eating as well.

“Sid, no kicking Roni outside of training,” Molev said, not even looking up from his tray.

Steve snorted, and any awkwardness faded away…until Patrick showed up five minutes later.

“Miss Wells, could I have a few minutes of your time?”

I glanced at Molev, who was chewing thoughtfully as he considered Patrick.

“Sure,” I said, starting to stand.

Molev caught my wrist, stopping me.“Why do you need her?”

“Even though there’s very little I can do about it, I’d like to speak with her regarding her relationship with you and if it ever makes her feel threatened in any way.But I would like to have the conversation privately so I know she’s answering honestly.”

I had to hand it to Patrick.He had balls.And he’d also gotten smarter about speaking frankly to Molev.

“I’ll be fine, Molev,” I said.

He swallowed his bite as he looked at me.“Stay close.”

I nodded and walked out of the mess with Patrick.We didn’t go any farther than the door.

“Several personnel reported that Molev aggressively carried you to a roof and kissed you.You didn’t appear willing.Is he interested in you sexually?”

“Do you think he named me specifically as part of his deal to help just because I was the first one to trust him?”I asked.

“You’re the one who’s good at reading people.You tell me.”

“Yes, he’s sexually interested in me, Patrick.”

“And the female volunteers?”

“What about them?”I asked.

“Does he plan on using them for sex as well?”

“Hold up.First, Molev isn’t usingmefor sex.Second, he didn’t ask for female volunteers because he wants to collect a harem.He truly wants people who are open to living in a diverse community.He would prefer females since we’re typically less aggressive or quick to anger.Age doesn’t matter.Sexual orientation doesn’t matter.Marital status doesn’t matter.And not because he’s going to disregard all of it.It doesn’t matter to him.His first priority is to build better relations between our races.Which is why he would like to meet with the volunteers personally to gauge their reactions to him and ensure there’s no fear too intense to overcome or any negative emotions.And, yes, he’s going to want me there, too, to get my opinion.”

“Was Waurlyn made aware of these additional stipulations?”

“No.At the time it was discussed, it was in front of a crowd she was trying to calm so they wouldn’t storm the evac site.I didn’t think adding conditions would achieve her goal just then.”

“I see.Very well.Carry on, and report to me if anything changes.”

I crossed my arms, not leaving despite the clear dismissal.

“What exactly do you mean?A change in what?”